Thursday, July 28, 2016

Travel to Fairmont, MN

Thursday, July 7, 2016 – Fairmont, MN

Mike and I were up early this morning packing things up again for another moving day.  Today was a little over a 4 hour drive.  Jess, Mike J and the kids left a little later than us so they could play some more at the Great Wolf Lodge.  

We pulled into Flying Good Campground around 2:00pm.  It is a very nice campground.  It is right on Lake Imogene, which is a smaller lake, but still very nice.

After Jess and Mike J arrived we took the dogs for a walk down by the lake.  Gracie sure did have a good time swimming.  A rain storm was headed our way, so we did not stay down there very long. 
After dinner the rain had stopped and we drove back to Blue Earth, MN, which was just a short drive, to see the Jolly Green Giant.  I thought they also had a statue of Spout, but all we saw was the Jolly Green Giant. 

We did get pictures of us standing below the Jolly Green Giant, which gives you an idea of how tall he is.  He is 55’ tall!

It was another wonderful day!

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