Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Avander's Birthday Party

Saturday, October 14, 2017 – Silverdale, WA

This morning Jess, Ami and I headed to the store to pick up the cupcakes for Avander’s birthday party.  We also picked up some donuts for breakfast.  At about 10:30am we headed to the corn maze and got everything set up for the party.
The other children started to arrive.

While we were waiting for everyone to arrive the kids explored the area.  And Ami decided to play basketball. :)

Soon it was time to play in the corn maze and the kids seem to have a blast.

After a lot of running around the corn maze we had hot dogs and chips for lunch.  

It was finally time to sing “Happy Birthday”, eat cupcakes and open presents.

While we cleaned up a couple of the kids ran around.  :)

After all of the other kids had left we went through the corn maze one more time.
When we got home from the corn maze Mike and I took Avander to Toys R Us to let him pick out a gift from us.  We had a great time shopping with him.

But he finally picked out a couple of things and he seemed very happy with his selection.
After dinner we took Ami for her turn to pick out a birthday present.  But she wanted to get a pair of boots.  Our first stop was at Kohl’s where she tried on several pair.  She really like looking at them in the mirror.  :)

When we asked her which pair, she said she wanted to try on more boots…so we headed for Payless Shoe Store.  They did not have any she liked in her size.  So our next stop was DSW.

This is the pair we ended up getting her.  But I don’t think she was ready to be done shopping for boots.   :)
Next we did want to get her a toy, so we headed to Target.  I think she was happy with her selection.
We were only gone from the about 1.5 hours with Avander.  With Ami we were gone almost 3 hours.  :)  But we had a lot of fun with both of them.
It was another wonderful day!

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