Sunday, December 24, 2017

Travel to Dallas

Saturday, November 11, 2017 - Dallas, TX

Time to pack up and head home.  Out flight from San Pedro to Belize International Airport was at 10:00am.  This the first time through the entire trip that our transportation did not show up.  The hotel clerk hailed us a taxi and paid for it.  :)

The flight back to Belize City was beautiful.

I thought our flight to Dallas was not until 5:37pm, so I went into a couple of the little shops in the airport and found a couple of patches to add to my collection.  :)

When it was approximately 3 hours before our flight time we went to check in, but it we were unable.  When the gentleman came to help us he let us know we just missed our flight.  It appears I read the itinerary incorrectly and I was reading the time we were supposed to arrive in Dallas, not leave for Dallas.  The next flight to Dallas had room, so we got our new tickets and went to get something to eat at the restaurant in the airport.  I ordered a hamburger, which did not come with any condiments on it.  I put the ketchup on and went to put mustard on, but it was runny so I did not put any more on.  Well I am real glad I did not put much mustard on because it wasn't mustard at all it was hot sauce in a yellow bottle.  Then Mike informed me "don't you remember when we first got here and they said they don't use mustard down here."  Well somewhere I either missed that or didn't here it.  I am just glad I did not put much on.  :)

We made it to Dallas and found a hotel for the night.  As we were descending into the Dallas area I did take a picture that I thought turned out very good.

Our flight to Tucson will be in the morning.

It was another wonderful day!

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