Sunday, December 24, 2017

Snuba Diving

Thursday, November 9, 2017 - San Pedro, Belize

We ate breakfast a couple of times today.  :)  The first time was at the hotel, but it was just toast and fruit.  This is our view at breakfast.
Then we started walking down the beach.  Walking along the beach is a lot nicer then walking along the side walks.  :)

After a while I was getting thirsty, so we stopped at Blue Water Grill for some tea and a fresh fruit plate.  This was our second breakfast.  This is my view...Mike to a picture of a different view.  :)
They had couple of really ice sayings that I just had to take a picture of.

After a brief stop we continued on down the beach.
The plan was not to walk to the other end, but we made it.  :)  Then headed back to the hotel.  On the way back we decided we better eat lunch before our 2:00pm pick up time for the snuba diving.  We stopped by Estel's Dine by the Sea.

Mike ordered fish and I ordered shrimp and rice and beans.  Mike had the whole fish.  :)
After lunch we continued our walk back to our hotel.  When we passed the Blue Water Grill I took a picture of the place.
Once we got back to the hotel we changed to our swimming suits and got ready to snuba diving. :)

The boat arrived about 5 minutes early.  We headed out just a couple of miles and arrived at Hol Chan Marine Reserve.  After we got all of our instructions we jumped into the water.  Mike and I both had a snorkeling mask on, but instead of a snorkel you have a breathing tube which is about 25' long.  The tube goes to a small raft that has the air tanks on it.  There was one raft for the both of us.  Our tour guide had a full scuba suit on.  We were at the Belize Barrier Reef.  We saw numerous fish and a couple of eels.

There were a lot of underwater pictures taken while we were snuba diving.  :)

Our tour guide was very goo about keeping an eye on us and pointing out items of interest.  :)  Here are a couple of videos.

We all hopped back in the boat and headed a little further out the Belize Barrie Reef.  This time we went snorkeling with sharks!!!  Really!!!  We must be nuts!!!  :)  They were even feeding the sharks as were getting in the water.  This made me real nervous!  Mike and the other people on our tour got right in there...not me, I stayed back.

Soon one of the tour guides let us know there was a sea turtle, which was very cool to see.

Here are a couple of videos.
 We had a great time!  It really was awesome!  I would absolutely do it again.  :)

When we got back we sat at the bar and tried to figure out how to watch the videos on Mike's laptop.  We did not bring the adapter for the micro SD, so we just watched them on the GoPro.  I am really looking forward to seeing all these videos on a bigger screen.  :)

Once the mosquitoes got bad we decided it was time to eat dinner and we thought we would just walk down to the Hidden Treasure Restaurant.  As we were walking I was sure we missed our turn, so we asked a couple of people as they passed by on their golf carts.  One gentleman finally pointed us in the right direction and sure enough we missed our turn.  :)  It looks like earlier today they moved the sign and cut down a tree, so that is how we missed the turn.  :)

It was a wonderful dinner.  I had lobster and Mike had shrimp.  This evening it started to cloud up and rain.

It was another wonderful day!

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