Thursday, December 21, 2017

Travel to Belize

Sunday, November 5, 2017 - San Ignacio, Belize

Dave picked us up at 3:00am to get us to the airport by 4:00am.  We truly appreciated him taking to the airport.  :)  Unfortunately the American counter did not open until 4:30am.  We could have slept another 30 minutes and when you get up at 2:30am, 30 minutes is a big deal, at least in my book.  :)

We arrived in Dallas 10 minutes early, but did not get to the gate for another 25 minutes, so we were in a big hurry to get to our flight to Belize.  The gate we came in on was gate A11 and we had to get to gate D17!  Once on the Skylink it had trouble closing the doors and we arrived at our departing gate with little time to spare.
Most of the flight was over the gulf of Mexico.
Soon we were back over land again and descending into Belize.  The thing I noticed the most as we flew in was the lack of paved roads.  There was also a fire off in the distance.

Belize airport is very small with one runway, which is also the taxiway.  Once we were through customs we meet up with our driver, Vel.  He was really happy to see us.  We were originally going to fly Delta, but they cancelled the flight between Phoenix and Atlanta and the new flight would cause us to miss our connection.  We were originally due to arrive at 10:30am and with American we did not arrive until 1:30pm.  I am just glad he double checked out flights and waited for us.  :)

Vel knew a lot about his country, but then again he has done this job for 19 years.

As we drove by one of the mountain ranges, he said they call it the lazy man.  In the picture the nose is closest to the rear view mirror, then the chin, belly and last his knees.  I could see it right away, but it took Mike a little longer.  :)

When we first left the airport Vel asked if we were hungry, and of course I was.  He said he knew of a good place about 45 minutes away if we could wait.  We finally arrived at Amigos Country Bar & Grill.  This is a place you had to know exists because a hurricane took the sign out last year.

Vel and I had the chicken & rice & beans.  Mike had the steak & rice & beans.  Rice and beans is a very common meal here in Belize.  It was very good!

Eventually we arrived at the Ignacio Resort Hotel.  The people are very nice.  The room was also very nice.

And the view was not bad either.
We went down to the bar to get our complimentary drinks and sat out on the porch.

After relaxing on the porch for a little bit we decided to get a bite to eat for dinner.  We just ate at the restaurant here at the hotel.
It was very good, then we called it night.

It was another wonderful day!

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