Sunday, December 24, 2017

Lazy Day

Friday, November 10, 2017 - San Pedro, Belize

We had different plans for today, but unfortunately I woke up not feeling the best.  I still wanted to rent a golf cart and drive up north of the bridge.  So off we went.  We were sure it would be a lot more of the same, but it is not.  As soon as we got across we saw several buildings that were about 3/4 built.
It is not near as crowded either.  The island does not seem as wide or built up.  This is a picture of a heliport.
The road was paved for the first couple of miles, then it became a dirt road that we road on until we came to a very large puddle and the last thing we wanted to do was get stuck way out here.

We did see several land for sale signs.

On the way back we stopped at Tres Cocos Waffles and Smokehouse.  I still was not feeling very well, so I only had a waffle.  Mike had the pork taco and said it was delicious.

Also on the way back Mike wanted a picture of the large Police Station.  :)
Once we were back on the south side of the bridge I took a picture to show how many golf carts there are on the island, but the picture does not even come close.  :)
Soon we made it back to the hotel.  Mike went to the office, picked out a book to read out on the deck, while I went in the room to take a nap in hopes of feeling better.

After a couple of hours Mike came in to say he was going to get ice cream, which didn't sound bad to me either.  It was raining, but we only got a little wet in the golf cart.  :)

When we got back to the room we didn't go anywhere for the rest of the night.  Even though I told Mike I would go with him to get something to eat, but I probably wouldn't eat.

It was another wonderful day!

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