Thursday, December 21, 2017


Saturday, November 4, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Since we will be leaving for Belize tomorrow morning we wanted to get up early this morning to get laundry done and get up to Tucson to pick up a few things.  One of those things was a GoPro.  So after laundry was complete we headed for Best Buy to get a GoPro.  :)

We had a few more stops to make along the way, but we finally go our GoPro.  We got the Hero 5 Black and a few accessories to go along with it.  :)  When we got out to the car we suddenly wondered if it cam with a battery.  It seemed like it was the salesman's first day and he was not real knowledgeable about anything.  So we opened up the package, found the battery and attempted to put it in.  When we couldn't figure it out we went back inside for help.  :)  After they showed us how to open it and get the battery in Mike said "I remember when I was 20 something showing Frank how to use a computer, thinking how could you not know how to do this.   And now we are the 50 something asking the 20 something for help."  :)

Once we were packed and ready to go we headed over to the Greyhound room for some dinner.  Is was 7:30pm and they were closing up, but they served us any way.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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