Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Hiram's Wedding

Saturday, October 21, 2017 – Amado, AZ

This afternoon we headed for Nogales, Mexico for Hiram and Elle’s wedding.  We picked up Dan on the way down and headed for the church.  The ceremony was supposed to start at 3:00pm and we arrived at about 2:30pm.  The church is beautiful.
There was a saying above Mary.  I looked it up the translation for it and it says “Am I not here that I am your mother?”
We have found that a lot of celebrations in Mexico do not start on time, but this one did.  :)   It was a beautiful ceremony.

I took a couple of pictures of the back roads of Mexico on our way to the reception.  They are tight.

They had a very nice reception.

It was another wonderful day!

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