Saturday, December 23, 2017

Travel to San Pedro

Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - San Pedro, Belize

Up early this morning to pack, eat breakfast and catch our ride to the airport.  Stephen took us to the airport.  Tony and Mandy rode with us.  Here are a couple of pictures from our ride.

There was a mix up on the time of our flight.  Originally we were flying out at 11:30am, but they changed both our flight time and the day to go zip lining.  Stephen made sure we were back on the 11:30am flight, so we did not have to hang out in Belize City until 4:30pm. 

It was a short flight from Belize city to San Pedro, almost 20 minutes in a Cessna 208.  :)

Mike was really happy about flying in a small plane.
It was an awesome flight.

The taxi quickly took us to our hotel, Mata Rocks.  We checked in, but our room was not ready yet.  This is the view from our hotel.

We decided to take a walk into town to find a place to eat lunch.  We walked by a couple of small restaurants, but I wanted to eat with an ocean view, so we continued to walk.

The different forms of transportation here are golf cart, bicycle or walking.  There are a few cars and the taxis seem to be mini-vans.

As we were walking we came across a map and decided we would walk to Hurricane's for lunch.  About half way there we (I) :) decided to rent a golf cart and rode the rest of the way.  we soon arrived at Hurricane's.
While we were here we enjoyed the breeze and the view.

After lunch we drove around town and like I said there are a lot of golf carts on this island.

We headed back to the hotel to see if the room was ready and it was.  :)
And this the view from our room.
Before returning the golf cart we went to Paradice Cream to have some ice cream.  It was very good.  :)

Eventually we returned the golf cart, walked back to the hotel.  When we got back we took a stroll along the beach, then we called it a night.

It was another wonderful day!

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