Saturday, December 23, 2017

Zip Lining & Cave Tubing

Tuesday, November 7, 2017 - San Ignacio, Belize

Up early again this morning to have breakfast before going zip lining and cave tubing.  Fedelio was our driver again today.  Today Tony and Manda joined us.  :)  We had a mini-van today, yesterday it was just a large SUV.

When we got to Cave Branch National Park we headed for the zip lines with our guides.  (Unfortunately neither Mike or I could remember their names  :)  )

The first line was very short and it was just to make sure you understood all of their directions.  :)  There were 5 more lines and the longest one was 1,000', but the fastest line was 800'.  The views were beautiful.

 Here are a couple of videos of our zip lining.  :)
After zip lining we changed into our swimming suits, got our tubes and followed our guide to the cave.  It was a long walk and we crossed the river 3 times before we got there.

Once we arrived at the cave our tour guide tied the tubes together and we headed down the Cave Branch River and into the cave.

It was a very nice ride.  Not what I thought it was going to be, but still very nice.  I really thought it was going to have some small rapids, but it was more like lazy river ride.

Once we got back we changed our clothes.  Then we stopped by and picked up a coconut milk, pineapple and rum drink in a coconut.  It was good, but there was a lot of rum in it.  :)
For lunch we had chicken and rice and beans.  Each time the chicken has been prepared just a little bit differently.  And it was good again.

On the way back I asked Fedelio if he would stop by the Orange Gift Shop to see if I could find a patch.  Once again I had no luck finding one.  I did get a wine bottle stop.  :)

As soon as we got back we saw we only had 10 minutes before the last tour of the green iguana project.  After a quick stop back at the room we got back down to the lobby just in time to head back out to the Iguana project.
There were several iguana's.

Then our tour guide brought out several of them for people to hold.  This is the one that Mike got.
I didn't want one, but one of the other guest asked if we wanted a picture, which meant I needed to get close to the it.  :)

Several of the other people seem to be enjoying the iguana's on them.

Here is a close up of the one Mike was holding.  Isn't he cute.  LOL.
After we got back we went back down to town.

We went to a couple more gift shops, but did not buy anything.  :)  Then we went to Ko-Ox-Han-Nan for dinner.  We had pork tacos for dinner which were pretty good.

It was another wonderful day!

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