Friday, August 29, 2014

Indiana/Virginia - Day 2

Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN & Norfolk, VA

For lunch today it was just Mom, Dad and me.  We went to MacKenzie River Pizza Co..  We had the Rancher pizza.  It was excellent.

After work I did not go walking today, it was raining.  I did meet Patsy and Rick at Keystone Sports Review for dinner.  It is just a local bar and they have very good food.  I had a BLT.  After a big lunch I did not want a big dinner.

Mike had spent the night at Jess's and worked on the bed a little more.  He also got in a little time to play with the boys.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Indiana/Virginia - Day 1

Monday, August 25, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN & Norfolk, VA

Today Mom, Dad and I meet Sue and Crista for lunch at Marco's Restuarant.  We had a really nice time.  :)

After getting my work done today, I took a walk around the complex and got a little over 3 mile walk in.  Once I returned to Mom and Dad's house, Mom had dinner ready.  It is always nice to have a good home cooked meal!  :)

Then we played several games of 500 rummy.  The cards were in my favor tonight, I won 3 of the 4 games we played.  :)

Mike spent the day with the boys and getting a little more done on their bed.

It was another wonderful day!

Drive to Indiana

Sunday, August 24, 2014 - Indianapolis, IN

I was up and on the road by 6:15am!  I knew I had a long drive and I wanted to make Indianapolis by dinner time.

I arrived at my Mom and Dad's around 4:30pm.  It was not a bad drive at all.  The Waze app on my phone took me a different way and it cut about 45 minutes off the drive time.  :)

Mom and Dad had dinner reservations at 6:30pm at The Rathskeller restaurant in downtown Indy.  Patsy and Rick rode down there with us and we meet up with Sue, John and Kim, and John and Crista.  :)

Mom, Dad, Patsy, and me all had the Mixed Wurst Platte.  It included a platter of bratwurst, kielbasse, bockwurst, and German wiener beer steamed, then grilled piping hot. It was an amazing amount of food and none of us finished it.  We could have easily just purchased 2 orders and shared the food!  :)

We had a really nice time! 

Mike, Jess and Mike J were busy getting the loft bed built for the boys.  They are getting it done!  :)

It was another wonderful day!

George & Paula come for dinner

Saturday, August 23, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

We got up early this morning, or should I say early for a Saturday morning :), and headed for Jess and Mike J's.  Mike was hoping to go to see the races at the RC store this morning with Mike J. and the boys.  But when they go there, there wasn't anyone there to race because of the threat for rain today.  :(

In the meantime, while they were gone Jess and I got all of the board's planed for the loft bed they are building for the boys.  Once we determined the correct amount to shave off the boards, we made quick work of the job.  :)

Once Mike and boys returned, Mike and I and Avander headed for Norfolk International Airport, so I could pick up the rental car I am going to use to drive back to Indiana.  We calculated it out and it is going to be cheaper or at least the same amount of money to drive the rental car back to Indiana as it would be to drive the Suburban.  And we will not put the wear and tear on the Suburban.

I am headed for Indiana to attend a surprise retirement party for Earl on Wednesday night.  Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night I will spend in Indianapolis, then first thing Wednesday morning I will get up and head for La Porte.  I scheduled my annual physical for Wednesday morning, then I will work from the library until time to head for the party!  :)

We got home around 2:30pm, did a little straightening up around the trailer and got ready for our cook out tonight.  Jess, Mike J and the boys and George and Paula came for a cook out this evening.  :)

We had bbq pork chops, green beans, fried potatoes and onions for dinner and brownies for dessert.  The food was really good and the company and conversation was great.  :)  George and Paula headed out around 7:00pm, they did not want to drive back in the dark and Paula's parents were on the way to there house.

I can't believe both Mike and I forgot to take pictures!!!!  I thought we were getting pretty good at it too!

After George and Paula left we headed up to Colonial KOA to jump on the Jumping pads for a while.  Jess wanted to wear the boys out a little more before heading home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No Money

Friday, August 22, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

This morning Mike headed for Norfolk to watch the boys for Jess while she went to work on the vet clinic.  Mike and the boys did not do anything exciting, but they had a lot of fun.  Around 3:00pm Mike headed for home hoping to miss rush hour traffic…Well that did not work out so well for him, since he left his wallet/money at Jess’s.  He did not realize it until he pulled off the interstate to get gas for the motorcycle.  :(

He called me to ask me if I wanted to make a road trip.  :)  He was about half way between here and there, so off I went.  He was only 18 miles away, but with traffic it took me close to 35 minutes to get there on I-64.  I gave him some money and in no time we were headed back for home.  :)

We did not do much else today, but it was still another wonderful day!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy Anniversary

Thursday, August 21, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

We did not do much yesterday... :)

Today is our 32nd Anniversary!  Mike is planning on going to Jess and Mike's tomorrow, so I decided I would cut out a little early today, so we could celebrate our anniversary.  Around 3:30pm we headed for Little Creek Reservoir Park to do some canoeing.

It is a very nice lake

We went canoeing for about 2 hours.  It was a lot of fun and very relaxing.  :)

After canoeing we headed back to the trailer to change, take Gracie for a walk, then head out for dinner.  We decided to go to Food for Thought.

Based on the website "Discussion cards are placed upon the tables to helpspur thought-charged conversation."  It was fun to read the cards and enjoy the conversations that they lead to.  :)

For our "Prologue" we had the Shrimp Boat.  It was very good.  For dinner I had the Fork Tender Pot Roast.  And it was fork tender!  Mike had "Stick to your Ribs", a rack of ribs.  They were also very tender.  Overall it was a very nice dinner and I would recommend this restaurant.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, August 22, 2014


Tuesday, August 19, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

It has been overcast all day and looked like it might rain most of the day.  So, this evening we decided to go Geocaching again.  :)  We decided we would find the second easy one and the intermediate one.  On our way to find the easy geocache we saw this bear.

Also, it started lightly raining when we go up to the Colonial KOA.  By the time we found the geocache the rain did stop.

This was a very each geocache to find, but we forgot to take a pen to sign the log, so this is the only real proof we have that we found it.  :)  Now it was time to find the second geocache, it was on the trail back to Williamburg KOA.  So we headed back.  This one was categorized as an intermediate one to find and I think that was pretty accurate, but we found it!

We got back to the trailer and had logged another 1.6 miles of walking.  :)  We had dinner and a relaxing night.

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Papa takes the boys home

Monday, August 18, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

Mike was taking his time getting ready to head back to Norfolk.  He was hoping traffic between here and there would be better.  In the meantime, the boys went outside to play with the beach balls we have.  Mike and the boys came in for a quick minute before leaving.  When Mike sat down, Avander climbed into his lap and fell asleep.  :)

Then Mike put him in the Suburban, packed up everything else and headed for Norfolk.  We had a great weekend with the boys!  :)

Once they arrived in Norfolk they ate some lunch and headed for the aquarium.  They had a really nice time!  :)

Alex wanted to take a picture of his mom.  :)  It was taken where the sharks are, which everything in there is blue.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Beyond Bricks and Swimming

Sunday, August 17, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

We checked Mass times for both St. Olaf and and St. Bede, so we decided to go to St. Bede 9:00am service.  The boys got up around 7:00am and we got ready to go to Mass.  After Mass we went to Hot Stacks pancake house for breakfast.  Alex wanted pancakes and we ordered eggs and sausage for Avander.  Alex did a good job of eating his breakfast, until we tried the strawberry syrup, then he finished off his pancakes.  He really liked the strawberry syrup!  :)

When we returned to the trailer we took Gracie for a walk before heading for Beyond Bricks.  It is a place to play with Lego's.  :)

There was a lot more than just Legos, so the boys really enjoyed themselves.

Then Alex discovered the downhill derby track.

Then it was time to come back and play with the Legos again.  :)

After a couple of hours, both boys were very tired and it was time to go.  We had a lot of fun!  :)

On the way back we made a couple of stops, but only one of would run in, so we could let the boys sleep just a little longer.  :)

When we got back to the trailer we eat dinner, then changed our clothes and headed for the pool.  We had a really nice time, but after about an hour the boys we done and ready to call it a day!

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pick up the boys

Saturday, August 16, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

This morning we packed up our laundry and headed for Jess and Mike J's.  The plan for today is to get our laundry done, then take the boys with us when we leave.  Jess and Alex were not home when we arrived, they were on their way back from a run to Lowe's.  So while I got laundry started Mike took Avander for a walk.  When Avander saw the tree, he wanted to climb it, so Papa helped him climb it!  :)

We finally got our laundry done, packed the Suburban with all of the boys stuff and our laundry and headed back to our home.  :)  Once we got here, we dropped Gracie off at the trailer and headed for Kidsburg!

Both of the boys had a really good time and we ended up spending a lot more time there than we planned, but it was so much fun!

After playing at the Kidsburg for a couple of hours we headed back to the trailer, had dinner and called it a night.  We have big plans for tomorrow.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Friday, August 15, 2014 - Jamestown, VA

This afternoon we headed for Historic Jamestown.  Or at least that is where we thought we were going.  :)  We actually went to Jamestown Settlement.

The Museum is very nice, but we could not take any pictures inside.  The outside portion of the settlement included an Indian Village.

Then we headed down to the pier to see the ships that brought over the colonist.

The next couple of the pictures are of the inside of the Susan Constant ship.

And a fort

It was all very interesting and we had a nice time, but we did not have enough time to go through the entire museum before it closed.

Once we left the settlement we saw the signs for Historic Jamestown.  So we followed them on around and we realized we did not see Historic Jamestown.  There was another fee to go into Historic Jamestown and it was already getting late, so we decided to just head back home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!