Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Pick up the boys

Saturday, August 16, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

This morning we packed up our laundry and headed for Jess and Mike J's.  The plan for today is to get our laundry done, then take the boys with us when we leave.  Jess and Alex were not home when we arrived, they were on their way back from a run to Lowe's.  So while I got laundry started Mike took Avander for a walk.  When Avander saw the tree, he wanted to climb it, so Papa helped him climb it!  :)

We finally got our laundry done, packed the Suburban with all of the boys stuff and our laundry and headed back to our home.  :)  Once we got here, we dropped Gracie off at the trailer and headed for Kidsburg!

Both of the boys had a really good time and we ended up spending a lot more time there than we planned, but it was so much fun!

After playing at the Kidsburg for a couple of hours we headed back to the trailer, had dinner and called it a night.  We have big plans for tomorrow.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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