Friday, August 29, 2014

George & Paula come for dinner

Saturday, August 23, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

We got up early this morning, or should I say early for a Saturday morning :), and headed for Jess and Mike J's.  Mike was hoping to go to see the races at the RC store this morning with Mike J. and the boys.  But when they go there, there wasn't anyone there to race because of the threat for rain today.  :(

In the meantime, while they were gone Jess and I got all of the board's planed for the loft bed they are building for the boys.  Once we determined the correct amount to shave off the boards, we made quick work of the job.  :)

Once Mike and boys returned, Mike and I and Avander headed for Norfolk International Airport, so I could pick up the rental car I am going to use to drive back to Indiana.  We calculated it out and it is going to be cheaper or at least the same amount of money to drive the rental car back to Indiana as it would be to drive the Suburban.  And we will not put the wear and tear on the Suburban.

I am headed for Indiana to attend a surprise retirement party for Earl on Wednesday night.  Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night I will spend in Indianapolis, then first thing Wednesday morning I will get up and head for La Porte.  I scheduled my annual physical for Wednesday morning, then I will work from the library until time to head for the party!  :)

We got home around 2:30pm, did a little straightening up around the trailer and got ready for our cook out tonight.  Jess, Mike J and the boys and George and Paula came for a cook out this evening.  :)

We had bbq pork chops, green beans, fried potatoes and onions for dinner and brownies for dessert.  The food was really good and the company and conversation was great.  :)  George and Paula headed out around 7:00pm, they did not want to drive back in the dark and Paula's parents were on the way to there house.

I can't believe both Mike and I forgot to take pictures!!!!  I thought we were getting pretty good at it too!

After George and Paula left we headed up to Colonial KOA to jump on the Jumping pads for a while.  Jess wanted to wear the boys out a little more before heading home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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