Monday, August 11, 2014

Yorktown National Battlefield

Friday, August 8, 2014 - Yorktown, VA

Yesterday we did not do anything exciting.  :)

This morning was the 4th morning this week that Mike and I have been walking the neighborhood across the street from the KOA.  There are a lot of hills and we make it about a 3 to 3.5 mile walk.  We have been averaging about 3.5 to 4.0 mph.  Hopefully we will be able to keep it up.  :)

This afternoon we went to the Yorktown National Battlefield.

When we got there we went to the National Park visitor center to watch the movie.  During the movie we found out that (or were reminded) that without the French we would not have won the revolutionary war. 

After the movie we headed outside for an interpretive tour.  It only lasted about 20 minutes, but it was a nice tour.

Then we headed over to see the Victory Monument.

We headed back to the Visitor Center and hooped on the shuttle bus that took us to Yorktown.  We went as far as the Riverwalk on the shuttle, then we walked around the town.

We walked all the way back to the visitor center.  It was getting late, so we decided we would head back home and come back sometime next week to do the auto tour.  There are 2 loops to the auto tour and it states each loop will take approximately 45 minutes.  It is not because it is that long, but it is more the stops along the way.  :)

When we got back to the trailer we had next door neighbors.  The campground was almost full! 

We cut up a pork loin and cooked it out on the grill.  Just as we pulled the meat off the grill Keri stopped by to ask Mike if he would go with her on Monday to go look at a motor scooter that she would like to buy.  Her plans were to go to a Chinese restaurant with her neighbor Mike.  Mike stopped by to get her, but when he arrived we invited them to join us for dinner.  Keri had already eaten, she was just going with Mike so he would not have to eat along, but they both joined us for dinner and conversation.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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