Monday, August 18, 2014

Auto Tours

Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - Yorktown, VA

This afternoon around 4:00pm we headed back to Yorktown National Battlefield Park to go on the first auto tour, the Battlefield Tour. The first stop we had seen on Friday of last week.  That stop was right at the entrance of the visitor center. It was the British Inner Defense Line.

This evening we started with the second stop.  It is the Grand French Battery.

Next was the Second Allied Siege Line.  This line was within point blank artillery range of the British.  There was also a cemetery from the Civil war.  Most of the tombstones read Unknown Soldier.

From there we went on to Redoubts 9 and 10.  They were both captured within 30 minutes, redoubts 9 by the American's and the other by the French.

Next stop was the Moore House, which is where the surrender terms were negotiated.

The The last stop for battlefield tour was the Surrender Field.  This is where Cornwallis's army laid down its arms.

We hope to go on the Allied Encampment Tour tomorrow.

It was another wonderful day!

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