Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Museum and Bounce House

Sunday, August 3, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

This morning we once again went to St. Olaf for Mass.  And once again it was a very nice service.

After Mass this morning we went to Mama Steve's House of Pancakes.

There are a lot of pancake restaurants in the area, which all seem to be only open for breakfast and lunch.   Then they are associated with a dinner restaurant also.  :)  Service was nice and it was a nice restaurant.

Mike had the hot Mexican omelet, there was no meat in it.  It just had salsa and jalapenos, and way to many jalapenos at that.  He said it was not something he would order again.  I had their original pancakes.  They were ok, but nothing special.  There are lots more hometown restaurants to try, so I don't think we will be trying this one again.  :)

Once we got home we quickly got changed, took Gracie for a walk, then headed for Wendy's in Newport News to meet up with Jess, Mike J, and the boys.  When we got there I think everyone in the restaurant knew we were coming in.  :)  Both boys were excitedly calling our name when we walked in.  :)  Since Mike and I had just finished eating breakfast we each had a Frosty, that we shared with the boys.

After lunch we headed for Ft. Eustis to go to the U.S. Army Transportation Museum.

The inside portion of the museum chronicles the changes to military logistics and transportation from the revolutionary war to present.  It was a really awesome museum!

Then you go outside to see some of the trains, planes, amphibians, trucks and jeeps they have been able to collect.

Mike and I could have easily spent more time here!  :)  The boys were now ready to head for the Bounce House.  They always enjoy the Bounce House and today was no exception.  :)

By the time we left the Bounce House both boys were ready to sleep!  :)

Mike and I headed back home, had some dinner and just relaxed for the rest of the evening.

It was another wonderful day!

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