Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

After working today we decided to go and try to find our first Geocache.  :)  I downloaded the app to my cell phone and Mike took his small GPS.  We found there were 2 easy geocaches in the KOA campground.  There is also an intermediate and a hard one.  The plan was to try to find both of the easy ones, but just as we found the first it started to rain and we could hear thunder off in the distance. 

Finding the first one was not real easy to find.  The only thing we knew for sure was it was located on the nature trail.  We thought the nature trail was the trail between Colonial and Williamsburg...As we walked the trail we started getting further away, so we turned around and headed up top the Williamsburg campground to see if we could get closer, but that did not work either.  But we did find another trail that took us back to the trail that goes between the 2 campgrounds.

Once we got to Colonial we started walking the direction the app told us to go, but ran of road.  There was a KOA worker right there, so we asked where the nature trail was.  He told us how to get to it via the trail between the 2 campgrounds and how to access the other end by the pavilion.  Well we have been up and down the connection trail a couple of times and never noticed the other trail, so we decided to access the trail by the pavilion.  We found the entrance to the nature trail by the pavilion right away.  :)

It is a very nice trail.  I should have taken pictures of the trail.  :)  We went by a small body of water, all the while getting closer and closer to the geocache.   We finally came to a small bridge over a muddy area, this is where we found our first geocache!!!!  :)

We signed the log and put the container back where we found it.  Mike had brought along a small ratchet to put in the container, but it was to big, so we did not leave anything, nor did we take anything.  :)

On the way back home we walked by these 2 trees.  Very unusual!  A couple of the limbs of the one tree were wrapped around and grown into the other tree.

It was a lot of fun and we ended up walking 1.96 miles, based on the MapMyFitness app and we were gone for a little over an hour.  :)  Gracie always enjoys our walks.  :)

When we got back home we put some chicken on the grill and heated up some corn on the cob.  It was a very good dinner. 

It was another wonderful day!

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