Friday, August 22, 2014


Tuesday, August 19, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

It has been overcast all day and looked like it might rain most of the day.  So, this evening we decided to go Geocaching again.  :)  We decided we would find the second easy one and the intermediate one.  On our way to find the easy geocache we saw this bear.

Also, it started lightly raining when we go up to the Colonial KOA.  By the time we found the geocache the rain did stop.

This was a very each geocache to find, but we forgot to take a pen to sign the log, so this is the only real proof we have that we found it.  :)  Now it was time to find the second geocache, it was on the trail back to Williamburg KOA.  So we headed back.  This one was categorized as an intermediate one to find and I think that was pretty accurate, but we found it!

We got back to the trailer and had logged another 1.6 miles of walking.  :)  We had dinner and a relaxing night.

It was another wonderful day!

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