Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Drive Back to Williamsburg

Sunday, August 10, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Our (me and Jess) original plan was to get up and be on the road by 8:00am, but Jessica did not have a good night, so I let her sleep in.  I think driving to Cleveland we may have pushed it a little too hard yesterday, so the plan for today was to stop about once every 1.5 hours.  It made for a longer drive, but at least when we got back to Norfolk, she was not hurting as much.  Traffic was the pits and the smart phone GPS took us down I-81 to I-66 to US 17, then back to I-95.  The nice thing was it by-passed DC.  It is a longer in miles, but I am sure it was shorter in time.  :)

When we got to Norfolk, Mike and Mike J. had ordered pizza for dinner.  We were both hungry, so I was ready to eat.  :)

After dinner I was tired and ready to be home.  I think Mike was just as tired as I was, so we headed home and called it a night.  :)

It was another wonderful weekend.  :)

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