Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Another Nice Week

Friday, January 30, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

The weather today was not as warm and it was cloudy most of the afternoon and evening.  For the past couple of nights it has been too windy to fly the planes, so we have grabbed something to drink and walked down to Thomas and Patricia’s place to sit out at the table and enjoy the last of the sunshine.  And Gracie and Trailer would get to say “hi” to each other.  At about 5:00pm we would head back down to our place and start dinner. 

Each night while we eat dinner we have been watching a movie.  Sometime ago Mike got a set of John Wayne movies.  There are 25 movies in the set and so far we have watched 5 of them.  I find I am having TV/Internet withdraw.  Did I mention we do not have TV or internet access at the trailer.  Well I do have internet via the hotspot on my phone, but I have only been using that for work.

Last night we did watch Blown Away.  It is a movie we checked out from the library.  At the very end of the movie the video quit working properly.  All we could see is screen shots, no sound.  It was a good movie, but it would have been better if we could have seen actual conclusion of the movie. 

It was another wonderful day!

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