Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Aviation Museum

Friday, February 13, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

Since Monday is a federal holiday they were given a couple of extra hours off today, so we decided it would be a good day to go to the Aviation Museum out at the airport.  That is the way it works here.  :)

We did call ahead to make sure they were open.  When we arrived we were given a personalized tour of the museum by one of the volunteers.  The Uvalde Airport was once an air force training airport.  There were a lot of pictures of the young pilots that were either trainer or being trained here.  Our tour guide told us stories of when a pilot or the family of a pilot would return to see the museum.  It is a very small museum, but it has a lot of history in it.

After touring the museum our guide wanted to know if we had time to go see the planes in the hanger across the way.  Well of course we did.  :)  So we walked over to the next hanger and turned on the lights, there was a hanger full of older aircraft.

And for a price you can take a ride in one of them.  The Waco is $500/hour with or without aerobatics.  I think I would really like to take a ride in it.  :)

There were also a couple of pedal planes.  :)

I am sure both Alex and Avander would really enjoy them.

It was a very nice tour and I am very glad we were able to see it.  After a couple of hours we finally headed back to town.  We were going to stop by the Rexall Drug store and get some ice cream from the old fashioned soda fountain, but they closed at 3:00pm.  So we just headed back home.

It was another wonderful day!

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