Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Memorial Park and Fort Clark Springs

Saturday, February 7, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

The morning started out very cloudy, but it soon warmed up and became very nice out.  Shortly after lunch Mike and I took Gracie into town to the Uvalde Memorial Park.

It is a very nice park.  They have a golf course, swimming pool, disc golf course, playground, a skate boarding area and walking path.  We walked along the path, which is also by the disc golf area.  Along the path we noticed the roots of the trees that are growing by the creek.

Mike also took a picture of my by the start of the 8th hole for the disc golf.  Well I guess you call it a hole…?  :)

After leaving the park we headed for Brackettville, TX, which is about half way between Uvalde and Del Rio, TX.  Mike had heard it was a nice little town, so we decided to go and check it out.  :)  It is a quaint little town, but not much different than the other little towns in the area.  Fort Clark Springs happens to be here, so we decided to check it out.  They do have a museum, but it closes at 4:00pm and we got there at 4:05pm.  It is now a private community, so we drove around to check it out. 

While we were driving we saw these turkeys.

Since tomorrow is supposed to be a very nice day we would like to go to Garner State Park to do some hiking, so we wanted to go to church tonight, but it was getting late and we knew we would not be able to make it to 5:00pm Mass at Sacred Heart, but as we were driving around Brackettville we did see a Catholic church.  So we went to 5:30 Mass at St. Mary Magdalene.  It was a very nice service and after Mass the priest welcomed us.  :)

Before leaving town I wanted to get a picture of the sign at the entrance to the Fort Clark Springs.

Since today was actually Thomas’s birthday after dinner we took our wine glasses and a couple of bottles of wine and headed down to Thomas and Patricia’s place to celebrate!  We had a really nice and it was another late night.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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