Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Wednesday, January 28, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

Yesterday was a beautiful day and when we went to bed it was still about 70 degrees outside, so Mike left the window on his side of the bed open.  At about 3:30am something got sprayed by a skunk and for as strong as it smelled I was sure it was just outside the window!  I made Mike close the window, and then I hid my head under the covers to try to get away from the smell!

Gracie and I saw the skunk last night on our walk, but I did not think it would come over near the trailer and spray.  It is a very big skunk!  I just hope it is not having babies.

This evening just before dusk Mike, Patricia and Thomas all decided to fly their planes.  Patricia had just gotten her Piper Cub back together after wrecking it about a week ago.  I asked Mike if he would show me how to fly, but before he could turn over the controls to me, the plane quit responding.  Fortunately it did not land to bad.  As we were walking back toward Thomas and Patricia we noticed Patricia’s plane was headed down also.  It landed behind the trees, so we all headed out to find it.  She was not as lucky and will have to repair it again.  At least it is repairable!  Thomas landed without incident.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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