Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Drive to the Hill Country

Saturday, January 31, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

Today was a rainy day!  This morning Mike agreed to take Thomas’s turn at the weekend fish feeding, so we were up early to feed the fish.  Since we took Gracie with us we took the Gator out to feed them.  Did I mention it was raining?  She ran alongside while we drove.  The Gator does not have windshield, so we were getting very wet.  :)

Since it was going to be a rainy day we decided it would be a nice day to just drive around to check out the area.  We drove to Sabinal, TX where we thought we would find a visitor center.  Well the map we were given at the library is a couple of years old and the visitor center does not exist anymore.  :)  So we just drove north on TX 127.  This took us to the Hill Country.  Uvalde is considered part of the South Texas Plains.  After driving for about 25 miles the landscape changed, it became hilly and a lot more trees.  This area appears to be very much a tourist area in the summer time.  Lots of campgrounds, cabins for rent and river outfitters, for tubing, kayaking and rafting. 

We stopped by Garner State Park and talked to the lady at the visitor center.  We did not pay to enter the park since it was a rainy day and we would not be able to go hiking, but we are going to plan to come back again when the weather is nicer.  We will bring Gracie and a picnic lunch with us at that time.  :)

Once we left the park we continued north to Leakey, TX.  Leakey is a quaint little town with a couple of motorcycle stops, restaurants.  Neither was opened today, but we did find out why they exist.  If you head out of town on the Farm Road that passes by both motorcycle stops, the road becomes very twisty turny.  Just the way a lot of motorcyclists like it.  :)  We did drive the 12 miles to where it ends near Lost Maple Natural Area.  Another place we will need to check out some day.  :)

On the way back I did manage to take a couple of pictures while we were driving.

On the way back we drove south on TX 83.  Soon we passed by a cattle ranch that had Texas long horns and I just had to have Mike stop so I could get these pictures for Jess.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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