Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Another Plane Crash

Thursday, February 12, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

The weather this week has been beautiful!

This evening we were out flying again.  Thomas and Patricia got out there several minutes before us, so when the batteries on their planes were done Mike still had a lot of flying time left.  This evening Mike was flying his big orange and yellow plane. 

Thomas and Patricia headed back to the shop to pick up a couple of other planes to come out and fly again.  While they were gone Mike said it was getting time to bring his plane in, but I talked him into flying for just a little longer.  I really enjoy watching him fly.  :)

Thomas and Patricia both got their planes in the air, so the runway (aka the road) was cleared for Mike to land.  So he was bringing the plane around when all of a sudden CRASH!  He hit the tree by the front pond!  When it hit the tree the wing got caught up in the tree and fuselage broke free from the wing and came all the way down and landed in the water. It is repairable, but it is going to take a while to repair it.

When I saw it crash I took off running for the plane.  Mike hopped into the Gator and drove over there.  He quickly pulled the fuselage out of the water and turned off the engine.  I told him to help me up into the tree and I would get the wing.  Mike did not think it was a good idea and after I got up to the first limb I agreed with him.  Soon Thomas and Patricia were both there to help us come up with a way to get the wing down.  We went over to the storage area and picked up some pvc pipe to see if we could dislodge the wing and get it down.  Thomas and Mike were successful, but there is a lot of covering that is going to need to be replaced.

Once we had Mike’s plane down we were just standing there talking and both Thomas and Patricia did minor damage to their planes on their landings.  I am beginning to think that part of the fun of the hobby is repairing the planes after flying them.  :)

I did feel bad for talking Mike into flying a little longer, but he said the problem was the pilot did not realize he was flying so close to the trees.

It was another wonderful day!

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