Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My First RC Flight

Monday, February 02, 2015 – Uvalde, Tx

It was much cooler today.  I don’t think it got much warmer than 55, but I will take that any day over the 19+” of snow they got in La Porte today.  :)

Now that Mike had Tony’s plane ready to fly and it is supposed to be an easy one to fly, I thought I would give it a try.  Well we went out to the area where we fly and Mike started the range test on Tony’s plane, but it would not work…  So I figured that I would have to wait for another day, but Mike said I could fly his green and yellow plane.  :)

Mike launched it and then handed the controls over to me.  At one point I was having a little trouble and Mike was sure I was going to wreck, so he came from behind me and took over the controls.  Then a little later I knew I was in trouble and I handed him the controls.  After flying for several minutes it was time to bring the plane back in to change out the batteries.  Mike took over the controls to land the plane.  Well he did not land the plane very well and that was the end of flying for me for the night.  :)

Next Mike brought out his little cub for its maiden flight.  It is a very little plane and with what little wind there was it was having a hard time flying into the wind.  It did fly well.

It was another wonderful day!

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