Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Beautiful Day

Sunday, February 01, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

Today was a beautiful day!  This morning we went to Mass at Sacred Heart again.  Today after Mass we did not go out to breakfast, instead we had BLT’s at home.  It has been a while since we have had them and they were delicious.  :)

In the afternoon I sat outside on the lawn chair catching up on this blog in the Word document, while Mike worked on his airplanes and my flat bicycle tire.  :)

Once Mike was done repairing my tire we went for a bike ride.  We took Gracie with us.  We stopped by the display pond up front.  Gracie jumped in a couple of times and I unknowingly stepped on an ant hill.  I started feeling something biting me and I looked down and saw my shoes were covered with ants.  I stomped my feet a couple of times and smashed the rest of them. 

We hopped back on our bikes and continued on around the ponds.  Toward the back of the grounds Gracie started after something and Mike grabbed his front brake!  Big mistake!  He went flying over the front of his bike!  OUCH!  He now has a little road rash on his forearm and on his hand.  :(  He said he should have let her go.  She will only run a couple of feet with the leash in tow.  :)

Mike did get Tony’s plane ready to fly, but it was a little too windy to fly today.

It was another wonderful day!

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