Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Plane Crash

Monday, February 9, 2015 – Uvalde, TX

It was very nice out today, so this evening after work we took the planes flying.  Mike has gotten more flying in down here then I think he has flown since we got married.  :)

Thomas and Patricia were both done flying for the evening and we were all just watching Mike finish up.  Mike was flying his green and yellow plane.  He flew very close to some small trees off in the distance.  Then Patricia mentioned that Mike was brave for flying that close to them.  It was not but a couple minutes later that he was flying the plane over the small trees close to us, when something happened and the plane crashed!  We all agree we don’t think he hit the tree, but maybe a large bug came up out of the tree and hit the prop on the plane????  Anyway the engine ended up on one side of the tree and the rest of the plane ended up upside down on the other side. 

Mike will now have some repair work to do.  The rudder and the motor mount were both broken in the crash.  Patricia was just glad it was not her plane again.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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