Sunday, May 22, 2016

Wire Group Dinner

Friday, May 20, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Happy Birthday to me.  :)

Around 5:30pm Mike and I headed for Carrabba's in Mishawaka to have dinner with the wire group.   On the way over we stopped by Walmart to pick up a couple of things, so we decided to get on the toll road at the La Porte exit.  Well that ended up being a mistake.  When we got to the toll booth the gate would not open.  At first we thought it was our transponder, but when we could not get the machine to dispense a ticket we knew something else was wrong.  We hit the help button, but all operators were busy!!!  Eventually someone answered and attempted to remotely open the gate, but no luck.  The operator let us know the ETA for help is 10 minutes out.

Traffic was really backing up behind us.  When the lady apologized we told her that the worst part about this is that we are the first in line.  :)  Soon a couple of the drivers were out of their cars asking us if we needed help!  They were not sure if we were broke down or just trying to get our transponder to work.  Unfortunately neither was true.

Soon an off duty toll road worker was headed in the opposite direction and asked what the problem was.  We told her the gate would not open.  She said she would be there in a minute.  Soon she had parked her car and came out of the building with her orange vest on and took the board off the gate so we could get through.  After about 15 minutes of waiting we were on our way again.  :)

I have been real bad about taking pictures this week and today was no different.  :(  But we did have a new addition to the group.  Ann and Ralph joined us for the first time.  Unfortunately Sonnie and Dorothy were unable to join us.  Sonnie spent the week in the hospital.  We are sending prayers their way for a speedy recovery!

Dinner was good and the company was great.  We set our next dinner for next month, then headed home. 

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner with Diane

Thursday, May 19, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

This evening Jess, Alex, Ami and I met Diane for dinner at Mancino's in La Porte.  It was the first time Diane had met Ami.  At first Ami was shy, but she warmed up to Diane in no time.  By the time is time to leave she gave Diane a big hug and kiss good-bye.  :)

After we left Macino's Jess and I drove over to South Bend to pick up Mike and Avander.  They had driven the truck over to the service center.  The truck is leaking oil and we wanted to get it fixed before traveling out to Seattle, WA.  Avander really enjoyed his ride in the truck!

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner with Earl and Regina

Wednesday, May 18, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

After Mike picked me up from work we headed back home to take Gracie for a walk.  While we were walking my Vivofit fell off, but I did not realize it was no longer on my wrist and I thought that made I took it off when I got changed.  When we got back to the trailer I tried to find it in the trailer, but no luck.  I retraced our walk and came upon it in the gravel road about half way.  Unfortunately someone ran over it.  It still worked, but it was broken.  :(

Eventually we headed over to Earl and Regina's for a delicious home cooked meal.

It has been a while since the last time we have seen each other, so we had a lot to catch up on.  It was wonderful to hear what they are up to since Earl retired.  And we discussed some of the sights we have seen along our journey.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Hair Cut

Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

This evening Denise cut mine and Mike's hair.  It was so nice to have it cut by Denise.  I knew it would look just like I like.  That is one disadvantage of traveling.  I never know if I am going to like the hair cut I am about to get.  :)  But it will always grow out.  :)

This was the first time Mike has had Denise buzz his hair, but he thought since he was coming over he might as well get it cut.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Fix Drain Problems

Monday, May 16, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

This is going to be a very busy week.  We have something planned every night this week.

This morning we had our 6 month dentist appointment.  I actually think it has been about 1 year since the last time we were at the dentist.  We tried to get appointments when we were here in December, but we waited to late to make the appointments.

After Mike picked me up from work today we headed over to Tony's house.  Tony had called Ben yesterday to find out his recommendation as to what to do about his drain and Ben told him the cheapest thing to do would be to rent a drain snake and see if that fixed the problem.  So on Tony's way home from work he picked up a drain snake from Menard's.  We met him at his house and Mike helped him snake the drain.  Success!  There were plenty of roots in the drain and now it is flowing well.  :)

While they were working on the drain I ordered pizza from Santini's Pizza.  They said it would 1.5 hours, but it arrived in about 45 minutes.  It was not bad pizza.

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner Out

Sunday, May 15, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Since we wanted to get to Tony's by early afternoon we decided to go to Mass at St. Mary's this morning.

Tony had found the clean out out in the yard and was hoping it was going to be an easy fix to unplug the drain, but no such luck. He decided it was time to call Ben to ask his advice.  :)

Tony's yard was needing to be mowed and he did not have a mower.  Jess has been mowing the grass with their old Reel lawn mower, but it was in need of being replaced.  So Mike and I decided we would get him one as an early birthday present.  :)  Then we were all able to get his yard work done. 

Around 4:30pm Mike and I got cleaned up and ready to head out.  We met up with Sue, Bob, and Mackenzie; and Mary and Tim at Hammer's in Michigan City for dinner.  Dinner was very good and the company was great!  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Drain Problems

Saturday, May 14, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

The fork seals on the FJR are leaking, so this morning Mike road the motorcycle to Turn One in Plymouth to get them replaced.  When we first got up this morning it was raining, but by the time we were ready to go the rain had stopped.  It was still a very cold ride.

Of course while we were there we checked out the 3 wheelers.  We saw a real nice used one.  I keep going back and forth as to rather or not we should get one, but I don't ride enough with him now.  And I just don't want to spend the money.  :)

Once we were back home Jess called to let Mike know that the tub at Tony's house was draining real slow.  She called more to make sure he would bring any tools he might have that would help solve the problem.

When we got to Tony's, Mike started working on the drain problem.  It was soon determined it was a problem somewhere in the pipe beyond the house.  Tony plans on calling the city on Monday to let them know.  :(

In the meantime, Jess and I continued to work on making more reservations.  This time we got all of the reservation except at Glacier National Park and at the campground we will park at for the month of August.  I am getting more excited about this trip.

It was another wonderful day!

Getting Campground Reservations

Friday, May 13, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

After work today Mike and I and Gracie headed over to Tony's to have dinner.  Jess and I also worked on getting all of our campground reservations for our trip to Seattle, WA in July.  We have a lot of stops between here and there.  :)

We now have reservations all the way to Rapid City, SD.  Each campground we called we let them know that we are pulling with a semi; the trailer is 42' long; we have 4 adults and 3 children 5 and under; we also have 2 cars in addition to the semi and trailer; and we have 3 dogs.  Oh my!  :)  So far we have not run into any problems. 

We have a choice of 3 campgrounds in the Rapid City area and we need to check distances and availability be decided where we are going to be staying.  But it was getting late and we were getting tired, so we called it a day.

It was another wonderful day!

Cousin's Dinner

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Every Wednesday night for years my Mom and Dad have been going out to dinner with the "cousins".  Well now the next generation is carrying on the tradition, of course my Mom and Dad are still attending.  :)  Mike and I plan to join them at least twice while we our in Indiana and tonight was the first time.  Mike picked me up from work around 3:30pm ET.  I finished my last hour of work in the car.  Technology sure is great.  :)

We arrived at Mitchell's Fish Market at Clay Terrace right on time for dinner.  We had a nice crowd.
Dinner was good and the company was great.  After dinner we said our "Good-bye"'s and headed back home.

It was another wonderful day!

Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, May 8, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Happy Mother's Day!

This morning we went to Mass at St. Mary's a small church just south of Michigan City.  It is a very beautiful church.
After Mass we went to Tony's house to spend Mother's Day with the kids.  We had a wonderful day!  It was great being with them on such a beautiful day.

Tony set up a swing from his tree in the backyard and we all had fun with it.  :)

I even went swinging on it.  :)  But as you can see it took both Mike J and Tony to swing me.  LOL!

After a very nice dinner it was time for the kids to take a bath and they had a bubble bath. :)  Ami thought it was fun!
It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Trip to Indianapolis

Saturday, May 7, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Well if you have previously read my Friday post, you may want to read it again.  I was going through my pictures and had completely forgot to post anything about the wonderful evening Mike and I had.  :)

Today Jess, Mike and the kids went to Mike's parents to celebrate Mother's Day and Tony had finals, so Mike and I got up early this morning and headed for Indianapolis to take my Mom out for lunch for Mother's Day. We arrived around 12:30pm and soon headed for Eddy's Restaurant for lunch.  It is a nice little restaurant right next to Geist Reservoir.  We had a wonderful lunch.

After lunch we went back to my Mom and Dad's house and played Qwirkle.  My Dad won the first round and Mom my walked away with the win on the second round.  She beat us all by 40 points.  It was no contest.  :)  But we had a lot of fun playing.

Soon it was time for Mike and I to head back north.  We had left Gracie home and we had to get home to let her out.  After our hugs and "Good-bye"'s we headed north.

It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Concrete - Day 2

Friday, May 6, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Now it was time to pour the part of the driveway up by the house.  Tony is planning on pouring the rest of the driveway at a later date.  Once again I went into the office and after dropping me off Mike headed for Tony's.  :)

Lots more concrete was poured again today.

Brodie and Maddie were over to play with their cousins today and Alex and Brodie sure did enjoy watching the guys pour the concrete.
Soon the job was done and the driveway looked very nice.
Mike did a good job of supervising.  :)

This is what I get for waiting so to enter information into the blog.  I totally left out what we did this evening.  :)

Mike came back home around 4:30 got cleaned up and we went to Holly's in Michigan City for dinner.  When we first got married we lived in Michigan City and ate dinner often at was then Holly by Golly's, they have shortened the name down to just Holly's, but the food is still good.  We were even part of the mug club, which does not exist any more.  ;)

It was only 6:30pm when we were done eating and we were not ready to go back home.  As we sat there we  talked about several things we could go do, go to the mall and get me slippers, run to Meiji's and pick up a couple of things...  Nothing sounded fun, so we went for a drive.  We headed for Washington Park in Michigan City.  Wow has that area changed, for the better.  We drove up to Long Beach along Lake Shore Dr.  The area is very nice and we found homes for sale from 4.6M right on the beach to 495,000 a block away from the  beach.  :)  Then we stopped for a minute so I could get this picture.  The lake was very calm!
Then we went back to the park to finish watching the sun set.  There were a lot of other people there with the same idea.  It was a beautiful sunset!

After the beautiful sunset we walked out to the lighthouse and I took a couple more pictures looking back at the beach.  They actually turned out better than I thought they would.  :)

Then we walked back to the pavilion to check it out.  It is a brand new building and there were a lot of people over there.  We found out they are serving food and drinks, even alcoholic, just beer and wine.  :)  So Mike bought a glass of beer and I bought a glass of wine and we took them to the upper deck and enjoyed.

It was another wonderful day!

Concrete - Day 1

Thursday, May 5, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Last night we went over to check on the progress of Tony's garage.  They will be pouring concrete tomorrow and the forms are all ready to go. 

Today I had to go into the office again, so Mike dropped me office, then headed for Tony's.  He was the supervisor since Tony had to be at work and was unable to supervise the job.  :)

And the garage floor got poured.

Avander showed Papa that the gloves really didn't fit him very well.  :)
It was another wonderful day!


Monday, May 2, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

After over a week of not seeing the sunshine we finally got a small glimpse of it.  The rain cleared up and as the sun was setting it peek out from under the clouds.
It was another wonderful day!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Back to Tony's

Sunday, May 1, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

This morning Mike and I were up early.  We went to St. Dominic for Mass this morning.  It was nice to go to church and see familiar faces.  The best part that both Mike and I noticed was the number of families with small children.  The last couple of churches we had been going to the congregation was on the older side, so it was really refreshing to see the young families at church.  :)  We also noticed the number of new families there.

After Mass we stuck around just talking with several of the people we knew.  It was very nice catching up.  I am sure we will be back to St. Dominic's again before leaving Indiana.

After we got home and changed our clothes we headed back to Tony's to just hang out with the kids again.  It has been wonderful to be together.

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner at Wooden Peel

Saturday, April 30, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

We were able to sleep in this morning.  I don't get to do it very often, so I really enjoy it when I can.  :)

Today Mike and Jess took the Suburban, so they could take Mike's brothers to Comic-Con in Indianapolis.  Tony and Miranda were also busy today, so Mike and I decided we would go shopping for new running shoes for me. Mine are shot and in need of being replaced.  I really like the Asics that I have, so I was hoping I would find another pair at the Light House Mall, but no such luck.  I did get a couple pair of Reebok's.  It was a good thing we took umbrellas since it rained most of the day.

For dinner we meet Jess, Mike and the kids and Tony and Miranda and Zack at Wooden Peel.  It has been a long time since the last time we ate here and we always enjoy their pizza!

It was another wonderful day!

Wire Group Dinner

Friday, April 29, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

This evening we went to Outback Steakhouse in Mishawaka to meet up the wire group for dinner.  I was sure I took a picture of all of us, but I could not find one on mine or Mike's phone.  :(  We had a nice crowd.  Lester and Kathy; Sonnie and Dorthy; Kirk and Carla; Ray and Myriam; and Pat and Ed were all there.  This was the first time Pat and Ed joined the group and we hope they continue to come.  Dinner was nice; conversation was great.  It was wonderful to see and catch up with everyone.

It was another wonderful day!

Mike's Birthday

Thursday, April 28, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

Happy Birthday Mike!

The original plan for today was to have everyone come over for hamburgers out on the grill, but the weather has been cold and miserable.  So, after work today Mike and I headed over to Tony's, then we all went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.

After dinner we went back to Tony's to have birthday cake.
It was another wonderful day!

Go into the Office

Monday, April 25, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

We were up early this morning so I could go into the office.  I will be working at the office every Monday and Wednesday while we are in the area.  It was very different having to get up and get ready for the day right away.  I have been spoiled.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Michigan City

Sunday, April 24, 2016 - Michigan City, IN

We were up early and on the road.  It was not a bad drive to Michigan City.  The Michigan City Campground is nice.  We have a lot of neighbors and most of them are pipeline workers.
We have a corner lot, so we have lots of space.  Once we were all set up we went over to Tony's to have dinner with the kids.  We had a lot fun.  :)  While we were there Mike helped tear down Tony's garage.  The boys sure did get into that.  :)

With a little help from the Suburban we were able to get the last of the foundation out.

The concrete is supposed to be poured this week, but with the weather that is predicted it may not happen.

It was another wonderful day!

Container Store

Saturday, April 23, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

We got to sleep in this morning and it felt really good!  Once we were up and ready to go we headed to the Container Store to pick up a couple of items for the trailer.  I sure do like this store, but I don't have a big enough place to be buying very much.  :)

We stopped by my mom and dad's to just visit with them.  They have plans for tonight, so we will be on our own.  :)  When they needed to get ready we headed out.

Mike and I decided we liked Puccini's so well and there was one close to my mom and dad's house.  It was a very good meal again.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Taproom is Open

Friday, April 22, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

Jess and the kids headed north this morning and Mike and I headed for Aunt Martha's service.  Mark did a wonderful eulogy of his mom's life.  After the service we went to the cemetery.  This cemetery is the same cemetery where several other of my relatives are buried, including Richie.

We then headed back to the church for a nice luncheon.  Did a little more visiting with my relatives, then headed back home.

We eventually headed over to George's.  The taproom is open.  I tried the root beer George had made and it was really good.  Mike stuck with the beer he knew he liked.  :)  Dad was there and soon headed for the Pub Bar and Grill to have dinner with Patsy and Rick.  I really wanted to be with Dad today, so after saying our "good-bye"'s to George and Mary Ann, Mike and I headed that direction.

We had a real nice dinner.  Since Patsy and Rick are busy tomorrow we said our "good-bye"'s to them before heading home.

It was another wonderful day!

Park in Avon

Thursday, April 21, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning Jess, Mike and the kids decided they would go to the kids park in Avon, IN, which was only about 20 minutes from us.  One of my Facebook friends had posted a link to 5 Indiana Playgrounds Worth the Drive.   So Jess picked the one in Avon, IN.

They had a really nice time, but Jess and Mike did not take any pictures.  :(  But when they got back they carried Avander and Ami in and laid them down on our bed.  They were out for a couple of hours.  :)
Mike and I soon headed for the funeral home.  It was nice to everyone, just not the reason we were seeing them.  

After the viewing we headed to Champ's for dinner with mom and dad, Patsy, Sue, and Kim.  Jess and the kids meet us there.  Papa went out to walk in with the kids.
It was a very nice dinner.

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Fun at Children's Museum

Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning Mike, Jess and kids decided they would go to the Children's Museum.  I stayed home and worked.  Based on the pictures it appears they had a really nice time.  :)

After Children's Museum Mike, Jess and Kids ran over to my Mom and Dad's house to visit for a little while.  Eventually we all meet at Puccini's to have dinner with Jacki, George and Jake.  Avander slept the entire meal, but we had a nice time.

It was another wonderful day!