Monday, January 30, 2017


Sunday, January 29, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Before Mass this morning we went to the Greyhound Room for breakfast.  This morning we sat with Sue and Ron.  It was a nice breakfast.

After Mass Mike tried to find his list of stuff location.  We are going to try to go through our stuff and pair it down even more.  After almost 3 years on the road we find we are not using everything that we brought, so it is time to purge.  :)  Or maybe he wants to buy something else and he needs to make the room.  :)

While he was checking the list I went and played Bingo.  I won one of the games and walked away up $5.00.  :)  It was fun.

This evening we ran to the store to pick up some groceries.  Then we got our laundry done.

It was another wonderful day!

Pastoral Committee

Saturday, January 28, 2017

It has been cold all week and they say Mt. Lemmon got about 30" of snow.  The ski resort up there is supposed to open this weekend.  Not that I think we will be going any time soon.  :)  Today was a little warmer and as the week goes on the temperature is supposed to continue to go up.

When we were at the church party we Irma came up to me and asked if we would be part of the Pastoral Committee.  Well I have never been good at saying "no", so I said sure.  Well this morning was the first meeting of the new Pastoral Committee.  I think it was a successful meeting and I hope that while Mike and I are here we can help them accomplish some of there goals.

After the meeting we went out to lunch.  Mike's leg is looking a lot better.  It amazed both of us as to how much the bruise on Mike let moved.  It started out on the front of his leg and now it is on the back of leg.
Believe it or not it looks better!

We headed back to the trailer and relaxed until it was time to go to Margarita Hour.  :)  Then we had dinner at the Greyhound Room.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ice Cream Social

Sunday, January 22, 2017 – Amado, AZ

Father was not feeling well this morning, so we only had a Communion service this morning.  Sure do hope  he gets well soon.

After church service we were told the breakfast at Cow Palace was really good, so we decided to give it a try.  It is very good.  :)

We were going to go to the grocery after breakfast, but we did not want to miss the ice cream social.  Priorities you know.  :)  We had a really nice time.

We eventually made it to the grocery store.  As we travel across the country there are a few things I miss that I know would be able to get at the grocery store in Northern Indiana.  For example, Kraft brand aged Swiss cheese and sunflower seeds.  After the grocery store we got our laundry done and called it a night.

It was another wonderful day!


Saturday, January 21, 2017 – Amado, AZ

Today we headed for Camping World in Tucson in hopes to find a flush valve for the toilet.  It is leaking and needs to be replaced.  They did not have one, so we went to LazyDays RV which was just on the other side of the interstate from Camping World.  They had what we needed.  While we were there we went through a couple of the RV’s.  We are hoping to make a trip to Alaska in the next couple of years, but we do not want to take our big rig, so we have been keeping an eye out for a trailer we can pull behind the Suburban.  And it is just fun to look.  :)

I was hoping to get back in time for margarita night, but we spent too much time just looking.  So we decided we would go to Cow Palace in Amado for dinner.  Before going there we thought we would try to find the ATV trail on this side of the Interstate.  We drove from one exit to another on Frontage Rd and did not see the cemetery that told us to watch for.  When we got to the other end of Frontage we turned around, a couple of Border Patrol guys saw us turnaround and were suspicious so they came to find out what we were doing.  They caught up to us when we stopped by the side of the road so I could take another picture of the mountain.
You cannot see, but there is some snow on the top.  And more is supposed to come.

The Border Patrol guys ended up showing us where the ATV trail was.  :)  I am looking forward to running it.  It will have to wait until Mike is healed up a little more.  :)

It was another wonderful day.

Snow Tonight

Thursday, January 19, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Here is what the mountains look like today.  For the next few days we are supposed to rain in the valley and snow on the mountains.  They are predicting the mountains will be getting 40+ inches.  I took a picture of the mountain near us, but the snow is predicted for Mt Lemmon.

We will see what we get.  It is also going to be cold for the next several days.  With lows in the 20's and highs in the 50's.

It was another wonderful day!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Day for R&R

Sunday, January 15, 2017 - Amado, AZ

After Mass to we went to the grocery, then just headed back to the trailer so Mike could rest his leg.

It was another wonderful day!

Return to Accident Site

Saturday, January 14, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This morning Mike wanted to return to the accident site to pick up the kick stand disc that must have fallen out of his pocket when he hit the ground.  It was in the pocket of his coat. We only found the spot because of the picture I took yesterday.  And we found the disc just a little ways from the pipe.
This is what it looked like just passed where he wrecked.
We went to Tucson so I could look for a couple of pair of jeans.  Instead I bought a new swimming suit.  :)

Mike was getting tired so we headed back, had dinner and called it a night early.

It was another wonderful day!

Friday, January 27, 2017


Friday, January 13, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Mike got home very early today and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a ride.  Sure!  He rode on his dirt bike and I rode the ATV.  We took trail 4077.  It takes you up to the Whipple Observatory.  I tried to get my phone out fastest enough to take a picture of Mike ahead of me on the trail, but all I got was pictures of the trail.  :)

We made it to the top and it was a nice ride.

The dirt bike was leaking gas again, so Mike started back down the mountain ahead of me.  When I caught up to him the bike was down and he was standing there looking at me.  He had taken the corner a little too fast and went off the edge of the road.  Unfortunately there was a cement embankment on the side of the road and when the motorcycle hit it they both went flying.  I am just glad I was far enough behind him to not see the actual crash.
There is a white and gray pipe near the sign and we think he hit that.  In the picture below if you notice the hole in his pants and lack of material on the coat near the zipper.
The helmet is not in good shape either.  And neither is the shirt under the coat.  He is going to be very sore for several weeks!

If you look at the bike in the picture below the handle bar and headlight are bent, but that is all of the damage to the bike.  The front fender does have a big scratch on it, but it is still intact.
This is what his pants look like now!
I am just glad that he was not hurt more seriously!

It was another wonderful day!

Full Moon

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Tonight was another full moon party at the back patio.
It was another wonderful day!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Church Dinner

Sunday, January 8, 2017 - Amado, AZ

This morning after Mass we went to the Firefly Restaurant at the Amado Territory, which is just down the road from the RV resort.
By the time we got there they were no longer serving breakfast, so we ended up having lunch.  It was very good!

After lunch we ran a few errands then just relaxed at the trailer.  Soon it was time to head to the Tubac Deli for a church get together.
We had a really nice time. 

It was another wonderful day!

Dinner with Terri & Richard

Saturday, January 7, 2017 - Amado, AZ

We had a couple of errands to run this morning.  The plan was to leave for Patagonia State Park to meet up with Terri and Richard for lunch.  Well when we got back from running our errands we got talking to several people and before we knew it, it was after noon.  I gave Terri a quick call to see if they were still up to us coming and they said sure!  So we packed up Gracie and the cooler and headed for Patagonia State Park.  Terri and Richard moved there when they returned from the holidays.

Mike was driving little faster than he should have been and got pulled over.  He will now have to pay his speeding ticket.  :)

We arrived at Patagonia State Park and on our way in we saw a sign that was for deer crossing, but it had a second sign attached to it that had a picture of Santa in his sleigh.  :)  I told Mike that on our way out I wanted to take a picture of it...well I guess I should have taken the picture on the way in.  :)

This is the view from Terri and Richard's camp site.
They served us wonderful lunch/dinner.  We sat around the picnic just talking for a while.  The sun started setting which I took a nice picture of.
We took a walk across the bridge where I took yet another picture of the sunset.
Then headed on down to the lake where we threw rocks into the water for Gracie to chase.  Terry and Richard were amused by her fascination with rocks.  :)

After our walk, we said our "good-bye"'s and headed home.

It was another wonderful day!

Travel to Amado

Monday, January 2, 2017 - Amado, AZ

We gave the kids all a kiss good-bye while they slept.  Gave Jess a hug and a kiss, then Mike J took us to the airport.  It was a nice day, so a took a couple of pictures as we left.

The flight was uneventful and we made it home safe and sound.  Mike was still not feeling all that great and I was starting to get whatever he has. 

Once we got home we called it a night and went to bed early.

It was another wonderful day!


Sunday, January 1, 2017 - Silverdale, WA

Happy New Year!

It was cold outside, but the sun was shinning so we decided to go to the park.

Soon we got cold and headed back in.  Soon Jess and Mike J headed to the airport to pick up Lauren and Sy.  After they got back we sat down to play Monopoly again.  Mike was not feeling real good, so he took a nap.  Once dinner was ready we called the game and put things away.  Jess and Mike J had made spaghetti and it was very good.

After dinner we just sat around talking.  Lauren and Sy had gotten up early this morning to catch their flight here and Mike and I needed to get up early in the morning to catch our flight home, so we all called it a night early.

It was another wonderful day!

Roller Skating

Saturday, December 31, 2016 - Silverdale, WA

This morning we were up early.  Got everyone fed and ready to go.  Jess wanted the boys to go to roller skating lessons.  The roller rink has them every Saturday morning.  I think the boys had a good time and now they had the tips they need to become better roller skaters.  :)

After the lessons are done they have open skating from 11:00am to 1:00pm, which we stuck around for.  At least this time I did not fall.  :)  At first Ami complained her feet were hurting, so Jess got her a bigger size and this time she did great!

Avander did a get job also.

Alex had a great time.

Jess and Ami played limbo.

Ami did a great job.  But there was no way Jess was going to be able to do it again.  :)  We had a lot of fun skating.

This evening we played Monopoly.  It has been a long time since last time I played Monopoly, but it was a lot of fun. 

When it was close to midnight we ended the game and turned on the TV to watch the count down.  After ringing in the new year we all headed for bed.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Massage & Dinner

Friday, December 30, 2016 - Silerdale, WA

As one of my Christmas presents Jess took me to have a massage.  I have never had one before, but it sure was nice and relaxing.  :)
This evening for dinner we went to Fujiyama Japanese Steakhouse.

Here is a video of our dinner. 
We had a really nice time and the mean was really good.

It was another wonderful day!