Sunday, January 8, 2017

Pecan Festival & Tony's Engagement

Saturday, November 12, 2016 – Amado, AZ

This morning Tony called us to let us know that he was planning to ask Miranda to marry him.  They went to Silver Beach in St. Joseph, MI where they had their first date.  This is where he proposed to her and she said “Yes!”  :)  We are very happy for both of them.  :)

This afternoon Mike and I went to Sahuarita to the Pecan Festival.  When we first got there they had all of these old cars.  This gentleman was trying to start this tractor.  He never did get it started, but I was hoping he would.
It is a pretty cool tractor.
There were many more old vehicles.
 There was even a couple of antique RV's.  :)

According to the sign this old vehicle was found in the desert and it runs.
We had a nice time and of course tried some pecan pie!  
On our way out Mike wanted a picture of this motorcycle to send to Ray.  :)
It was another wonderful day!

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