Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Thanksgiving Dinner

Friday, November 25, 2016 - Silverdale, WA

This morning Jess and I headed for the grocery store to pick up all of the fixings for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.  Jess had already bought the turkey because we were worried it would be hard to find the day after Thanksgiving.  We didn't think it would be hard to find a ham.  :)  A couple of stores later we found one. A little bigger than we wanted, but this will give her plenty of leftovers.  :)

When we got back we got the turkey in the oven and headed for the swimming pool.  The kids wanted to show us all their new swimming skills.  Alex and Avander have been taking swimming lessons and are really improving!  Even Ami will swim underwater.  We cannot believe how well they are doing.  It is wonderful to see.  :)

It was getting to be dinner time, so we headed back.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.  After dinner we played crazy 8's with Alex.  He is learning to play card games.  They are all getting so big!

It was another wonderful day!

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