Monday, January 30, 2017

Pastoral Committee

Saturday, January 28, 2017

It has been cold all week and they say Mt. Lemmon got about 30" of snow.  The ski resort up there is supposed to open this weekend.  Not that I think we will be going any time soon.  :)  Today was a little warmer and as the week goes on the temperature is supposed to continue to go up.

When we were at the church party we Irma came up to me and asked if we would be part of the Pastoral Committee.  Well I have never been good at saying "no", so I said sure.  Well this morning was the first meeting of the new Pastoral Committee.  I think it was a successful meeting and I hope that while Mike and I are here we can help them accomplish some of there goals.

After the meeting we went out to lunch.  Mike's leg is looking a lot better.  It amazed both of us as to how much the bruise on Mike let moved.  It started out on the front of his leg and now it is on the back of leg.
Believe it or not it looks better!

We headed back to the trailer and relaxed until it was time to go to Margarita Hour.  :)  Then we had dinner at the Greyhound Room.

It was another wonderful day!

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