Saturday, January 21, 2017

Christmas Eve

Saturday, December 24, 2016 - Indianapolis, IN

This morning we were supposed to meet up with Holly and Aunt Betty at Jennie Rae's for lunch and to celebrate Christmas together.  Unfortunately Aunt Betty was not feeling well, so it was just me, Mike and Holly.  We had a wonderful lunch!  It was good to see Holly again.  :) 

After lunch Mike and I stopped by the grocery store to pick up some food for tomorrow night's dinner at Tony's before heading to Indianapolis for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner.

We made it down there just in time for Mass, but finding a place to park prove to be harder than we thought it would be.  We ended up being about 10 minutes late.  It was a nice service.  After Mass we headed for Kazan Japanese Steakhouse. 

I took all of these pictures and I forgot to take one of Mike, Tony and Miranda.  We were really there.  :)  As always the meal was great and it is a good time.  When we first started going here we were about the only ones in the restaurant, but now the restaurant is full!  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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