Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Sunday, December 25, 2016 - Valparaiso, IN

Last night Mike and I stayed at my mom and dad's.  Tony and Miranda headed back last so they can go to her family this morning.

Once I got up I started helping my mom with Christmas breakfast.  She puts on a nice spread for breakfast every Christmas morning.  :)  Everyone started showing up around 10:00am.  We had breakfast first.

After breakfast we opened presents.  :)  Dad always reads the tag and hands off the present the a grandkid to deliver.

Once all of the presents were open it was time to clean up, give out hugs and say our "good-bye"'s.  We headed north to start fixing our Christmas dinner with Tony and Miranda.  Holly was supposed to come over also, but she called to let us know she was not feeling well and would not be able to make it.

We had dinner ready by the time Tony and Miranda got home from her family.  Shortly after cleaning up from dinner Tony pulled out a gingerbread making kit.  We had a great time making it.

It was another wonderful day!

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