Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Roller Skating & Santa

Saturday, November 26 – Silverdale, WA

This morning we decided to go roller skating.  I don’t think Mike and I have been roller skating since the kids were in middle/high school.  Mike and the grandkids all rented regular roller skates.  Jess and I rented roller blades.  After helping the kids get their skates on we got our skates on.  Mike took this quick picture before they headed out to the rink.
I finished up putting on my skates; stood up and fell right back down!  OUCH!  These roller blades do not have the back brake on them.  When I started to roll forward I leaned back to stop myself, but there was no brake to stop me!  And down I went.  I am going to have bruise from that one.  I changed over to regular roller skates.  :)

I finally made it out to the rink and got some good pictures.

Soon Ami was tired and wanted her “roller boots” off.  :)  There were strollers available for use out on the roller rink, so Ami climbed in and off her and Jess went.

I think this is an awesome idea.    She did not like it when we stopped.  :)
They had races.  We could not convince Alex to race, but Avander did not want to.
And so did Jess.

 She came in second.  :)  She got a coupon for a drink at the concession. 
After skating we went to see Santa.  Ami crashed out in the car and was still sound asleep while Alex and Avander let Santa know what they wanted for Christmas.

After they were done telling Santa what they wanted we put Ami on his lap for a picture.  We were not sure what her reaction was going to be, but she did a good.

We ate a late lunch, early dinner, which was leftovers.  After dinner we went swimming again.  Everyone had a great time!
It was another wonderful day!

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