Friday, January 27, 2017


Friday, January 13, 2017 - Amado, AZ

Mike got home very early today and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a ride.  Sure!  He rode on his dirt bike and I rode the ATV.  We took trail 4077.  It takes you up to the Whipple Observatory.  I tried to get my phone out fastest enough to take a picture of Mike ahead of me on the trail, but all I got was pictures of the trail.  :)

We made it to the top and it was a nice ride.

The dirt bike was leaking gas again, so Mike started back down the mountain ahead of me.  When I caught up to him the bike was down and he was standing there looking at me.  He had taken the corner a little too fast and went off the edge of the road.  Unfortunately there was a cement embankment on the side of the road and when the motorcycle hit it they both went flying.  I am just glad I was far enough behind him to not see the actual crash.
There is a white and gray pipe near the sign and we think he hit that.  In the picture below if you notice the hole in his pants and lack of material on the coat near the zipper.
The helmet is not in good shape either.  And neither is the shirt under the coat.  He is going to be very sore for several weeks!

If you look at the bike in the picture below the handle bar and headlight are bent, but that is all of the damage to the bike.  The front fender does have a big scratch on it, but it is still intact.
This is what his pants look like now!
I am just glad that he was not hurt more seriously!

It was another wonderful day!

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