Wednesday, January 18, 2017

ATV Ride

Saturday, December 17, 2016 - Amado, AZ

Mike had to work this morning.  They are starting to move equipment from one of the plants, so he had to make sure all went well.  :)

When he got home we ate some lunch, then headed out for a ride on the ATV.  Mike still does not have his dirt bike fixed.  It was beautiful day for a ride.  We took trail 143.

 Then we took trail 4079.  It was a little more rugged.
And it just dead ended about half way up the mountain in a nice picnic spot.  Or at least if we brought the food it would be a nice picnic spot.  Maybe next time.  :)
We got back on trail 143 and headed further down the trail.  We came across these ruins.

Then we continued down the trail a little further and came across this.

Fortunately no one was in the car.  They were definitely having an "Oh Shit" day.  :)  I sure do hope they were ok.

On the way back we came across some cows on the trail.  This area is open range, so you have to be careful as you go around blind corners you never know what will be around the corner.

Mike drove on the way out and I drove on the way back.  Mike took a couple of pictures of me driving.  :)

Then he took this video.
We got back around 4:30pm, then headed up to Margarita night on the porch.  Terry went with us.  Richard was busy trying to get something done, so he did not go. 

It was another wonderful day!

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