Tuesday, September 30, 2014

More Packing

Friday, September 26, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Today Mike did fill the truck and Suburban with fuel.  We did a little more packing, but we did not get as much done as we should have.  Jess, Mike J, and the boys will be here tomorrow, so we won't get much done tomorrow.  It is a good thing we did not plan a long drive for Sunday.  :)

This evening we invited Mike, a neighbor, and Keri, another neighbor, over for dinner.  We had bbq pork chops, stuffing, and vegetables.  Keri brought deviled eggs and a really good pie for dessert.  We had a wonderful time and some great conversation.  Here's to hoping to see you both down the road sometime.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Start Packing

Thursday, September 25, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Today Mike was planning on getting a lot of the packing done.  Since we have been here for 3 months we have gotten very comfortable and need to put a lot away.  This will actually be our first real move as full time RV'ers.  :)  Our first move was from Northern Indiana and we spent months getting ready for that move.  Then we went to Lake Cumberland for vacation and we had a lot of extra people to help us pack up the stuff.  So we will see how this move goes.  Mike needs to re-pack the model airplanes in the truck, finish cleaning up the garage, so he can pack the motorcycles in the garage and we need to get things put away.  :)

By evening the truck was packed and the garage was clean.  Now we will see what we get done tomorrow.  :)  We did not do much else today.

It was another wonderful day!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Rainy Day

Wednesday, September 24, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Once again this morning Mike got up early to head for Norfolk.  Jess had to go to work this morning, so he had to get up really early.  He needed to be at Jess's by 6:30am, which means he had to leave by 5:30am.  Traffic here is horrible!  He had planned to go 2 days this week since it is our last week here.  Once again today he was able to Alex to school and pick him up from school, but with all of the rain we had today he drove both ways today.

We did not do anything else exciting today.  It did nothing but rain all day.

It was another wonderful day!

Shooting Star

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

This Mike got up early and headed for Norfolk to watch Avander.  He got there early enough to walk Alex to school.  In the afternoon he took Avander to walk Alex home from school.  :)  Other than playing with the boys, he did not do anything exciting. 

This evening while we were walking Gracie we saw a shooting star fly by.  It was so awesome.  It was very bright.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Shoe Shopping

Monday, September 22, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

We did nothing real exciting today.  We did our walking this morning, which we have been very good about doing.  I think Gracie is a big help with that.  Since she needs to be walked any way, even on days we are not really in the mode, we get up and go.  :)

This evening we decided we would go shoe shopping for me.  My shins have been bothering me as we walk each morning, so Mike decided it was time for me to get new shoes.  :)  We first stopped at SAS shoe store in a strip mall.  They did not have anything I like, so it was time to move on.  :)

Next we headed for the Outlet Mall in Williamsburg.  We did a lot of walking at the Outlet Mall, we stopped by the Reebok, Converse, Adidas, New Balance, and Nike stores.  We even stopped by the Timberland store, but that was more to look at hiking shoes.  I may have purchased a pair of hiking shoes, if they had had the right size for me.

I tried on lots of shoes, but ended up going back to the Reebok store to purchase a pair of running shoes from there.  When we went to pay, the employee that checked us out was also the employee that helped us when we came earlier, and he was very pleased that we could not find anything better.  :)

While we were shopping Tony called and through our conversation he asked where we would be going after leaving Uvalde, TX...Well we still don't know where we are going.  I told Tony the dart has not landed, Mike said we have not even thrown the dart.  :)  We shall see where life takes us from there.

After shoe shopping we went to Chick-Fil-A for dinner, then onto Wal-Mart to do our grocery shopping.

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Play at the Park

Sunday, September 21, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

It is so hard to believe that we only have 1 week left here in Williamsburg, VA.  Next Sunday we will on the road headed toward Campbellsville, KY.

This morning Mike and I slept in this morning and went to 10:00am Mass at St. Olaf.  After Mass we went to breakfast at Au Bon Pain.  It was good.  It is similar to Panera Bread.  Once we got back home we headed for Norfolk to play with the boys.  Jess had to work today, so it was going to be me, Mike, Mike J, and the boys.  :)

When we got there we headed for the school to play on the playground.  Alex and Avander hopped in the truck and drove down the "little road" to the school.

Once we got to the school it was time to play on the playground equipment.  :)

Then Mike J and I started helping the boys across the monkey bars.

Mike J with Avander on the jungle gym. 

It was time to climb a couple of trees.  :)  When Avander started to climb the tree, he saw a cicada exoskeleton and picked it up and handed it to Papa.  Alex did not like it at all.  :)

After playing at the school for a while we headed back to the house.  Mike J fixed a very nice dinner, then Mike and I headed home.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Oceana Air Show

Saturday, September 20, 2014 - Virginia Beach, Va

This morning Mike and I got up early, so we could pick up Jess, Mike J and the boys to head for the Oceana Air Show!  It was overcast today, but it looked like the bad weather was going to hold off until after the show.

We arrived at the show around 9:30am.  It was a little cool, so I bought myself a sweatshirt.  :)  Then we headed out to find a good place to take a seats.

The show started promptly at 10:15am.  There were lots of different performers and it was non-stop, there were also planes on the ground to see.

Here is a link to a short video of a formation fly over Formation

Next is a link to a biplane performance Biplane

Shockwave started it's performance next with lots of flames!

Here is link to a performance of one of the jets Jet Performance

Alex and Avander were worn out, so they both took a nap while the rest of us just enjoyed the show.  :)

Here are some more pictures of the different performances

Here is a link to the video of the plane attempting to land on an RV!  RV Landing  He did finally succeed on the 3rd attempt, then he took off from the RV.  :)  Here is a picture of the landing attempt.

Next was Ashley the wing walker.  She is only 22 years old.  Brave!  :)

Shockwave came out for another show.  This time he raced the little jet...shockwave won the race.

Here are more performance pictures...

It was finally time for the Blue Angels and the weather was getting really bad!

Here is a video of the formation taking off  Blue Angels Formation

Here is a video of the single jet taking off Blue Angel take off

The rain moved in and they ended up cancelling the rest of the Blue Angels show.  :(  So we headed for the car, along with everyone else.  It only took us 1 hour to finally get out of the parking lot.  Keri had warned us and the original plan was to walk around after the show, but the rain changed our plans.  :)

It was another wonderful day!