Sunday, September 21, 2014

Mike heads out for the Wireman Ride

Friday, September 12, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Mike left at 6:00AM for the third annual WireMan Motorcycle Ride.  He had a 450 mile ride to get to their meeting point in St. Clairsville, OH by 5:00 PM.  He arrived before anyone else, so he went out to purchase a camera.  Our old camera got broken when it got knocked off the bumper of the Suburban.  He said he had to go to a couple of stores to find one.  They are no longer a big selling items.  Most people use their smart phone as a camera. 

All of guys on the ride are employed by various manufacturers and vendors in the wire industry.  This year, they were meeting at the Hampton Inn in St. Clairsville, OH and planned to ride in West Virginia.  There were 11 riders this year: they were from Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Brazil, and Holland.  Ray, Denny, Enrique, Walter, John, Rolfe, Dave, Charlie, Mark, and Gary are seen below having dinner in the hotel restaurant. 

The plan was to meet at 7:00AM for breakfast and departure on Saturday morning.

In the meantime, I did not do anything exciting today.  Our neighbors, Mike and Keri stopped by and we sat around and chatted for a while.

It was another wonderful day!

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