Sunday, September 21, 2014

Oceana Air Show

Saturday, September 20, 2014 - Virginia Beach, Va

This morning Mike and I got up early, so we could pick up Jess, Mike J and the boys to head for the Oceana Air Show!  It was overcast today, but it looked like the bad weather was going to hold off until after the show.

We arrived at the show around 9:30am.  It was a little cool, so I bought myself a sweatshirt.  :)  Then we headed out to find a good place to take a seats.

The show started promptly at 10:15am.  There were lots of different performers and it was non-stop, there were also planes on the ground to see.

Here is a link to a short video of a formation fly over Formation

Next is a link to a biplane performance Biplane

Shockwave started it's performance next with lots of flames!

Here is link to a performance of one of the jets Jet Performance

Alex and Avander were worn out, so they both took a nap while the rest of us just enjoyed the show.  :)

Here are some more pictures of the different performances

Here is a link to the video of the plane attempting to land on an RV!  RV Landing  He did finally succeed on the 3rd attempt, then he took off from the RV.  :)  Here is a picture of the landing attempt.

Next was Ashley the wing walker.  She is only 22 years old.  Brave!  :)

Shockwave came out for another show.  This time he raced the little jet...shockwave won the race.

Here are more performance pictures...

It was finally time for the Blue Angels and the weather was getting really bad!

Here is a video of the formation taking off  Blue Angels Formation

Here is a video of the single jet taking off Blue Angel take off

The rain moved in and they ended up cancelling the rest of the Blue Angels show.  :(  So we headed for the car, along with everyone else.  It only took us 1 hour to finally get out of the parking lot.  Keri had warned us and the original plan was to walk around after the show, but the rain changed our plans.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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