Tuesday, September 30, 2014

More Packing

Friday, September 26, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

Today Mike did fill the truck and Suburban with fuel.  We did a little more packing, but we did not get as much done as we should have.  Jess, Mike J, and the boys will be here tomorrow, so we won't get much done tomorrow.  It is a good thing we did not plan a long drive for Sunday.  :)

This evening we invited Mike, a neighbor, and Keri, another neighbor, over for dinner.  We had bbq pork chops, stuffing, and vegetables.  Keri brought deviled eggs and a really good pie for dessert.  We had a wonderful time and some great conversation.  Here's to hoping to see you both down the road sometime.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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