Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Play Day

Saturday, September 27, 2014 - Williamsburg, VA

This morning Mike and I got up early and got busy working on packing things up.  I started cleaning the grill when Jess, Mike J and the boys showed up.  :)  Once I finished cleaning the grill we packed up, stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up food for a picnic lunch, then on to Kidsburg!  :)

We had a really great time playing.  The last time we were here with the boys the zip line was broken.  It is fixed now and Alex really enjoyed it!

 Avander did not feel the same about it.  This was his first and my guess last ride on it.  :)

Alex enjoyed playing on all of the equipment.

Alex enjoyed riding on the swing with his dad.  :)

Avander was playing on the slides with Papa.
 Avander also played with dad on the playground equipment.

Alex wanted one more ride on the zip line, so I helped him out.  :)  I even rode on the zip line, but no pictures of that.  :)

We had a wonderful afternoon at Kidsburg.  Then we headed back to the campground to play on the jump pad.  The jump pad is up at Colonial KOA, so Alex and Avander hopped into their blue truck and rode it on the trail, as the rest of us followed on foot.  :) 

While up at the jump pad Avander saw us throwing rocks for Gracie to catch and decided he wanted in on the action as well.  Gracie had a great time!

Alex had been wanting to mine for gem stones several times this summer, so Jess finally gave in today, since it would be his last opportunity for the summer.  Both of the boys seemed to really enjoy it.

It was getting late and we were all getting hungry, so we decided it was time to head back down the trail to Williamsburg KOA.  Avander did not want to ride in the truck with Alex, instead he opted to ride on Papa's shoulders.  Alex had a lot of fun driving the truck down the hill. 

Once Papa started playing with a stick, then Avander wanted down, so he could do the same thing.

When we got back to the trailer Jess and Mike J packed up their stuff and we all headed into Williamsburg to the Golden Coral for dinner.  We had a nice dinner, then it was time to say "Good-bye".  We have had a wonderful time here and we, especially Papa, will miss seeing the boys.  We will be back in a couple of weeks when the baby is born, but in the meantime, we will miss everyone.

It was another wonderful day!

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