Saturday, October 18, 2014


Tuesday, October 14, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Today was another off and on rainy day.  We did actually see peeks of sun today.  :)

It was raining when I took Gracie for her walk this morning.  Across the street and down a little way we came upon a drain with a lot of water running into it.  Gracie did not know what to think about it.  This link is to a movie of her playing in the water at the drain.  Gracie Playing at the Drain   Then we walked toward the corn maze and I started hearing a noise that sounded like running water.  When I realized the sound was coming from under the ground by me, I thought I might know where the next sink hole is going to be.   :)

This afternoon we finally heard back from KZ and the company that made the underbelly cover is no longer in business and KZ can't get us one.  :(  So tomorrow we will need to start looking into RV salvage companies to see if we can find a used one.  If not, then we are not real sure what we are going to do....  More to come on this.

This evening, before dark, I wanted to know if I could still hear the water running under the ground.  When Mike and I got to the spot where the noise was, I could no longer hear it.  Darn.  Then we continued to walk down the road.  As we rounded a curve I thought it looked very beautiful, so I had to take a picture.

We continued to walk down the road until we came to a small roadside picnic area with overlooks to the lake.

We knew we were only a short distance from the boat ramp and campground, so we continued to walk down the road.  When we arrived at the boat ramp Gracie wanted to play in the water, so Mike started throwing sticks for her.  Click on the link to see the video.  :)  Gracie Playing in Green River Lake.

It was getting late and we had a little more than 2.5 miles to walk back, so we headed back.  It did rain a little bit on us, but it was not bad.  As we were coming up the hill by the corn maze we saw the sun setting off in the distance.  It was beautiful.  The picture below does not do it justice.  :)  The sun was behind a tree and it was really cool!

Our total walking distance was a little over 5 miles.  We had a nice time walking.

It was another wonderful day!

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