Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Watching the boys

Monday, October 20, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

This morning we got up and got Alex ready to head for school.  School is with in walking distance and it is a very nice day.  It was a little cool out, but not bad.  The weather channel says it was 54.  We were all wearing short sleeves and long pants.  During our walk to school an older lady in the house across the street from where we were walking informed us that we needed to have coats on those boys.  I think they were warmer than me, they were running!  :) Alex did not really want to go to school this morning, so the drop off was no fun.  :(

Shortly after we got back Mike J returned from the hospital to watch Avander, so Mike and I could go there.  Before we left Mike J was trying to get Avander to take a nap, so Avander climbed into Kodah bed.

Then off to the hospital we went.  We did make a quick detour by the bike shop to get my front tire repaired, then to the drug store to pick up a couple of items for Jess.  When finally got to the hospital to visit with Jess and Amilyne.  Of course we got some more pictures.  :)

We made it home in time to pick Alex up from school.  Avander was still asleep, so he did not go with us.  Mike helped Alex walk across the railing.  He helped Avander earlier this morning, but I did not get a picture of Avander and him.

Since Alex was going to be in school when Jess and Amilyne get home tomorrow, they decided they would let Alex meet Amilyne this afternoon.  Avander is not able to go to hospital because he has a cold.  Avander and I stayed home to get dinner ready, while Mike, Mike J and Alex headed for the hospital.  Before working on dinner we did go out and play.  :)

Alex seemed to be very happy to see his sister.

But I think he liked eating his mom's food even better.

It was another wonderful day!

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