Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcom Amilyne

Sunday, October 19, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

Happy Birthday Mike J!

At about 6:45 this morning we woke up to our phones ringing.  It was Mike J letting us know that him and Jess were at the hospital.  Jess's water broke last night and she went to the hospital at about 5:00am this morning. Originally our plan for today was to drive up to Indianapolis, but with a baby on the way our plans have changed.  Now we were going to make the 10 hour drive to Norfolk!  :)

On our way there the scenery was beautiful. With the leaves changing color and the beautiful sunshine.

I texted Mike J a couple of times during the trip to get any updates.  But still no baby.  Finally at about 5:25 I got a text that said "Happy healthy baby girl!!". :)  We were only about an hour away, so we headed straight for the hospital.  :)  Amilyne Eleanor Rohde Ols was born at 17:13, weighting in at 8 lbs and 20" long.  Welcome to the world Amilyne.  Happy Birthday!  What a wonderful birthday present for your dad!

She is absolutely beautiful!  We did not stay long, just long it enough to meet Amilyne and to give everyone a hug.  And of course take some pictures.  :)

When we got to the house Alex and Avander were thrilled to see us.  They were both jumping up and down in the door way.  They did not know we were on our way, so they were very surprised.  :)

It was another wonderful day!

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