Sunday, October 26, 2014

Time to head Home

Tuesday, October 21, 2014 - Norfolk, VA

 Mike J headed for the hospital early this morning with the hope he would be able to bring Jess and Amilyne home before noon.

Both of the boys woke up in very good moods and we fixed oatmeal for breakfast then got ready to take Alex to school.  Alex was ready to leave about 15 minutes early.  :)  Before heading for school Alex asked if he could take some pictures with my phone.  He loves taking pictures!  They did not turn out very well, but here are a few of them.

After dropping Alex off at school we headed for the store to pick up some more oatmeal.  We had used the last package for breakfast this morning.  :)  While we were there we also bought a couple of donuts.  :)  On the way back we noticed Kodah was outside.  We both thought did we leave the door open!  Then we realized the van was home.  Sure enough, Jess, Mike and Amilyne were home.  This was the first time Avander got to meet Amilyne.

I don't think Avander really wanted to touch his sister.  But he sure was happy to see his mom! 

We needed to get on the road, so we ate some lunch, said our good-byes and headed out.  It was a wonderful visit and we are so glad we were able to be there!

It was a long drive home and we arrived around 11:00pm.  It was going to make for a short night for Mike.  He starts his 10 hour shifts tomorrow.

It was another wonderful day!

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