Friday, October 3, 2014

Moving Day

Sunday, September 28, 2014 - Staunton, VA

This morning we were up early again and went to Mass at St. Olaf.  After Mass we went to Southern Pancake and Waffle House.  Mike had the western omelette and I had 2 eggs over medium, bacon and fried potatoes.  The food was good and the service was great.  Of all of the pancake houses we went to while we were here, we both agree that we like Hot Stakes the best.  We also agree the service was good at all of them.  :)  And we did not even go to all of the pancake houses in the Williamsburg area.

We finally got back to the trailer and worked on finishing up our packing.  Originally I was hoping we would be on the road by noon...well at 12:15, I was not even sure we would get away by 1:00.  Between all of the  people that stopped by to talk and all of the packing we still had to do we did not leave until 2:50pm.  A little late.  :)  Fortunately we only had to drive approximately 150 miles.

We arrived at the Staunton/Walnut Hill KOA around 5:00pm.  It was not a bad drive and we arrived safely.  I took this picture right after we got set up.  I was running out of sun light.

 This is what it looks like sitting at the picnic table.
After getting set up and taking Gracie for a walk we decided it was time to get some dinner.  We asked at the office for a good place to eat and they directed us toward Edelweiss Restaurant.  It was an excellent choice! 

Below is a picture of the fireplace, which I thought looked really cool.  It also shows how rustic the inside of the restaurant was.  :)
I had the Rindsrouladen, which is thinly sliced top round of beef stuffed with a delicious mixture of pork, herbs, pickles, carrots, bacon and spices.  Mike was trying to decide between the Bratwurst & Weibwurst, which is pork and veal sausages served with sauerkraut and brown gravy; or the special of the night, which was stroganoff.  After talking to the waitress, he decided on the stroganoff. (NOTE: all descriptions of the meals are straight from their menu. :) )  Red cabbage, Bavarian cabbage, green beans and spatzle (German noodles) are also served family style with all meals.  Both meals were excellent.  If you are ever in the area we would highly recommend this restaurant!

Believe it or not we even had dessert.  All of the desserts are homemade and we just had to try a couple.  So I had Oma’s German Torte and Mike had Black Forest cake.  Both desserts were amazing!  :)

Needless to say we both left the restaurant very full and ready to call it a night!

It was another wonderful day!

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