Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mike's First Day at Amazon

Tuesday, October 7, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

In the 4:00am hour our weather radio went off approximately 5 times.  We did not get much sleep during this hour.  Mike's alarm went off at 5:30am.  Mike headed for Amazon around 7:20am.  He said today was boring. Lots of training.  Ho Hum.  :)

His shift will be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6:00am to 4:30pm.  His will be working in the stowing department.  They said he will be on his knees a lot stowing items on the lower shelves.  He said there is not any real organization to their stowing.  We will see.  :)

He will only be working 5 hours for the next 3 days and all 4 days next week.  This is their way of gearing you up for all of the walking.  :)

Before dinner we took Gracie for a nice long walk.  When we first left the trailer it was sprinkling, so I did not think it would be a long walk, but it only rained for a couple of minutes.  I did not start th MapMyFitness app, so I did not know how far we walked.  I thought I started the app once we turned around, but I must have hit the pause button before I put my phone in my pocket.  We are not sure how far we walked, but we are guessing 3 miles.  :)

When we got home we had beef stew for dinner.  It was really good!

It was another wonderful day!

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