Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bike Ride

Tuesday, October 8, 2014 - Campbellsville, KY

Mike worked 5 hours today, from 6:00 to 11:00am.  He was up early and I got up shortly after he left and turned on the news.  I saw that the lunar eclipse was happening this morning.  I tried to take a picture of it and below is my attempt.  :)

It was really cool to see.  Gracie did not really care, she was just happy to be outside really early.  :)

Mike said his training is going well.  He is just hoping he remembers how to use the scanner.  He said the pace is fast, but his group was keeping up well.  Tonight a couple of auditors will go through the items they put away (stowed) and let them know how they did tomorrow.  :)

This evening Mike wanted to see how long it would take him to ride his bike to Amazon, so he aired up the tires on our bikes and off we went.  We only made it about 1.75 miles when my front tire suddenly went flat.  :(   So I walked the bike to the Dollar General parking lot, while Mike headed back to the campground to pick up the Suburban.  At this rate it will take him a very long time to ride to Amazon.  :)  I will have to get a new tire for my bike before I can try again.

Once back at the trailer, we heard a model airplane flying at the field across the street.  So we leashed up Gracie and headed across the street.  We sat and watched Roger fly his plane and chit chatted with him and his wife for about an hour.  It was a lot of fun.  Gracie had fun also.  :)

It was getting late and the sun was setting, so we once again headed back to the trailer.  We heated up our leftover stew and enjoyed our dinner.

It was another wonderful day!

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